
  • 1.  Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 11-19-2013 00:35
    I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook table - but not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in Docbook. I would, however, like to store it in my Docbook XML - because future transformations would like to read my Docbook XML and they'd need all of the data that went into it. I'd rather not introduce a secondary file for storing the extra data - this would bring complications and fragility.

    I thought of adding extra columns in the Docbook table and setting them to be hidden - but it doesn't seem to be possible to 'hide' a column easily. Another idea would be to store in in XML comments - which would still be accessible in my transformation as well.

    What would be a good pattern to solve my use case?

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  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 11-19-2013 09:01
    On 19/11/13 00:34, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
    > I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook table - but
    > not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in Docbook. I would,
    > however, like to store it in my Docbook XML - because future
    > transformations would like to read my Docbook XML and they'd need /all/
    > of the data that went into it. I'd rather not introduce a secondary file
    > for storing the extra data - this would bring complications and fragility.
    > I thought of adding extra columns in the Docbook table and setting them
    > to be hidden - but it doesn't seem to be possible to 'hide' a column
    > easily. Another idea would be to store in in XML comments - which would
    > still be accessible in my transformation as well.

    *if* all your cells to be hidden are in the same column

    <entry role='hidden'> to contain the cells which you do not want
    to be shown?


    Dave Pawson

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 11-19-2013 14:13
    To extend Dave's idea, you may want to use profiling to filter the data
    that appears when you transform your docbook into something else:

    I don't think applying role=hidden automatically works, right?
    Wouldn't one need to create a preprocessing step or apply profiling
    for the role to operate to limit the data that appears?

    But the role attribute is available for you to apply your own meaning
    to, and you could use it on any element to organize your data such
    that you can display the desired information when transforming the
    docbook into ordinary outputs, and then still use the same original
    docbook file for input to some other downstream process.


    On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 3:01 AM, davep <> wrote:

    > On 19/11/13 00:34, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
    >> I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook table - but
    >> not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in Docbook. I would,
    >> however, like to store it in my Docbook XML - because future
    >> transformations would like to read my Docbook XML and they'd need /all/
    >> of the data that went into it. I'd rather not introduce a secondary file
    >> for storing the extra data - this would bring complications and fragility.
    >> I thought of adding extra columns in the Docbook table and setting them
    >> to be hidden - but it doesn't seem to be possible to 'hide' a column
    >> easily. Another idea would be to store in in XML comments - which would
    >> still be accessible in my transformation as well.
    > *if* all your cells to be hidden are in the same column
    > <entry role='hidden'> to contain the cells which you do not want
    > to be shown?
    > regards
    > --
    > Dave Pawson
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Aaron DaMommio: Husband, father, writer, juggler, and expert washer of
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  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 11-19-2013 13:20
    On 19.11.2013 1:34, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
    > I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook table - but not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in Docbook. I would, however, like to store it in my Docbook XML - because future transformations would like to read my Docbook XML and they'd need all of the data that went into it. I'd rather not introduce a secondary file for storing the extra data - this would bring complications and fragility.

    The easiest way to do this is to add <info> element to the table and put
    you raw XML data there -- they just must be in different namespace then
    DocBook in order to validate.


    Jirka Kosek e-mail:
    Professional XML consulting and training services
    DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep.
    Bringing you XML Prague conference

  • 5.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 11-19-2013 13:51
    Hash: SHA512

    Also you could consider using Processing Instructions (PI), which have
    the following syntax:

    This is a general-purpose mechanism for embedding metadata in an XML
    file. Sounds like it might be useful in this case (but you'll have to
    write your own tool or script to process the PI nodes).

    On 19/11/2013 14:19, Jirka Kosek wrote:
    > On 19.11.2013 1:34, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
    >> I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook
    >> table - but not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in
    >> Docbook. I would, however, like to store it in my Docbook XML -
    >> because future transformations would like to read my Docbook XML
    >> and they'd need all of the data that went into it. I'd rather not
    >> introduce a secondary file for storing the extra data - this
    >> would bring complications and fragility.
    > The easiest way to do this is to add <info> element to the table
    > and put you raw XML data there -- they just must be in different
    > namespace then DocBook in order to validate.
    > Jirka

    - --
    Fintan Bolton

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