
  • 1.  xmllint, xinclude, xpointer, and DocBook 5.0

    Posted 02-19-2008 22:44
    I'm running into a problem using xmllint to resolve xincludes
    in DocBook 5.0. I'm running xmllint 2.6.31, which I believe
    is the latest stable version, on Linux. The only argument I'm
    using on xmllint is --xinclude.

    I have no problem with a vanilla xinclude that just pulls in
    the entire file like this:

    <xi:include xmlns:xi=""

    or one that uses xpointer with the element expression like this:

    <xi:include xmlns:xi=""

    But, xmllint fails if I use an xpointer expression like this:

    <xi:include xmlns:xi=""

    After playing around for a while, I found that xmllint will work
    with DocBook 5.0 if I remove xmlns=""
    from the parent element in the included file. The xmlns attribute
    is a no-op on the including file; xmllint fails whether the namespace
    is there or not.

    Since removing xmlns makes the included file invalid, doing that is
    not a practical long term solution.

    Does anyone know a way to get xmllint (or some alternate processor)
    to handle xincludes with xpointer in DocBook 5.0?

    Dick Hamilton

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] xmllint, xinclude, xpointer, and DocBook 5.0

    Posted 02-20-2008 00:01
    Dick Hamilton wrote:

    > But, xmllint fails if I use an xpointer expression like this:
    > <xi:include xmlns:xi=""
    > href="chap1.xml"
    > xpointer="xpointer(//chapter/title/node())"/>

    Your expression //chapter/title is asking for elements which are in no
    namespace. You have to declare prefix for DocBook namespace for XPointer
    query. In theory you can use something like:


    Can you confirm whether xmllint supports this syntax?


    Jirka Kosek e-mail:
    Professional XML consulting and training services
    DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

  • 3.  RE: [docbook-apps] xmllint, xinclude, xpointer, and DocBook 5.0

    Posted 02-20-2008 00:05

    That fixed it; thanks very much for your help.

