Hi again
You must make sure that you also have
table, td, th {
border: 1px solid black;
Or equivalent, so the single solid line is not a double line
Sent from an iPad Nano in some i[A-Za-z]*verse
On 26/09/2011, at 07.40, Christian Brugeron <
christian@docinfo.fr> wrote:
> thanks
> border-collapse is already set, to collapse without noticeable effect.
> cb
> Le 26 sept. 2011 à 07:22, Niels a écrit :
>> Hi
>> This should be done with the following CSS declaration
>> table {
>> border-collapse: collapse;
>> }
>> Cheers
>> Niels
>> Sent from an iPad Nano in some i[A-Za-z]*verse
>> On 25/09/2011, at 23.19, Christian Brugeron <
christian@docinfo.fr> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> When processing table/cell borders, the border is split in two parts that are visible on screen and on ink-jet printers.
>>> Is there a workaround? AKA one solid line instead of two half-lines?
>>> Thanks
>>> Christian
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