2009/9/30 Ken Morse <
> Hello,
> I'm using the 1.7.20 htmlhelp stylesheets to build a .CHM (HTML Help) file.
> Recently I added a background image via the separate CSS file:
> body {
> ...
> background: #fff url(images/bg-side.png) repeat-y;
> ...
> }
> Even though I have the htmlhelp.enumerate.images option turned on though,
> the background image is not included in the either the generated hhp file
> nor the chm file. I suspect the css file is not searched for references to
> graphics files. Has anyone found a way to work around this? Perhaps some
> method to give an additional list of graphics files that should be included?
> Thanks,
> Ken
Assuming that the hhp file is in the same directory as the images
directory, then you can add ...
to the [Files] section of the hhp file.
You can do this via the hhw.exe or by editing the plain text hhp file.
Richard Quadling
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