FUSE (fusesource.com) does all of its documentation in DocBook 5.
On 9/8/2010 2:55 AM, Stefan Kost wrote:
> Hi,
> On 07.09.2010 12:45, Sabine Cretella wrote:
>> Hi, yesterday I talked with Camille on IRC about getting docbook used
>> more in industry. I am searching for companies that already use it and
>> that could give a good example about what they do with docbook and why
>> they use it. And I also got one first contact I am going to write to.
>> The reason is: I am originally a translator and did quite some
>> manuals. I am just getting back into doing things (after a longer
>> family pause = kids ;-) and noted that in almost 8 years nothing has
>> changed: manuals are still written with wordprocessors, images are
>> still modified applying texboxes. Formats during translation get lost
>> and require a lot of post-editing. All this does not happen when the
>> translation is, for example, carried out in docbook format. Besides
>> just the layout questions there are also some more which are related
>> terminology consistance and the overall quality of a manual.
>> I hope that by getting together some real good usage examples in
>> industry and writing an article about why to use docbook and not a
>> word processor (getting this then to companies) we can at least make
>> some more people aware of docbook. It would help all of us to do
>> better jobs.
> The gnome desktop uses docbook in api reference manuals [1]. The
> reference is made with a tool called gtk-doc [2]. It extract comments
> from the sources and produces docbook xml. The generated docbook xml is
> xi:included into handwritten docbook xml.
> In the past also user manuals were written in docbook. Those are now
> written in mallard [3].
> Stefan
> [1]
http://library.gnome.org/devel/references> [2]
http://www.gtk.org/gtk-doc/> [3]
>> One side I never did myself, but would like to try out on my own is to
>> convert a docbook file to pdf - all I found on the web seems to be
>> rather old and from before docbook 5 - is there any new documentation
>> on this? You know one thing is having just read it's possible and
>> another is having it done at least once. (I am on OpenSuse btw.)
>> Thanks for any help :-)
>> Cheers, Bina
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