On 16.8.2012 17:06, Kerry, Richard wrote:
> Not knowing about the xlsx (sic) unpacking facility in Saxon, and
> having had no success trying to automate Excel internally, I've
> recently written a simple C++ program to take an Excel spreadsheet
> file and convert it to XML. From there I'm using Xsl to generate the
> Xml I really want.
> As it's a program I've written for work I can't publish it, though it
> is really quite simple. Access Excel using COM. Scan all
> worksheets, scan all rows, scan all columns, and write the text in
> the cells to Xml using Msxml. Took about an afternoon to get it
> working.
Today I would stay away from COM if possible. You need Excel in order to
use it (which can be problem for server environment) and it is quite
slow on large document.
> Maybe now I'll see if I can get anything useful from the xlsx file
> directly using Saxon....
Don't get discouraged from first inspection of OOXML internals. Format
is pretty convoluted but once you understood principles is pretty easy
to process if you just need to extract some data or automatically fill
some data into existing template.
Jirka Kosek e-mail:
jirka@kosek.cz http://xmlguru.cz------------------------------------------------------------------
Professional XML consulting and training services
DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member