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xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

  • 1.  xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-17-2008 20:30
    Hello all,

    The statement:

    <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>

    used in the customization layer below, triggers the following error message:

    "XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix"

    Anybody know:
    - whether that's merely an annoyance or a real error?
    - how to prevent it from happening?

    Note aside:
    I know that "" needs to be set also,
    if one sets "ulink.footnotes" to 1, but I left
    it out from this example because it doesn't
    appear to relate to the error message.

    Thanks in advance for any insight,


    ====== customization script following ==

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

    <xsl:import href="/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-current/fo/docbook.xsl"/>

    <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>


    == end of message ==

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-17-2008 21:43
    Erik Leunissen wrote:


    > <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>

    How do you know that this line is the cause of the error?



    Envoyez avec Yahoo! Mail. Une boite mail plus intelligente

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-18-2008 17:12
    Florent Georges wrote:
    > How do you know that this line is the cause of the error?

    Removing it, or commenting that line out makes the error go away. I
    interpreted this behaviour as the line being the cause.

    Erik Leunissen

  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-17-2008 22:55

    I can't duplicate this error in my environment, but that could be for
    any number or reasons. What I normally do when I have a name space
    problem is the following:

    - make sure everything refers to the correct name space (and the same
    namespace in the source, customization, and standard stylesheets).
    - make sure the prefixes are correct (so if you say xmlns:db="...."
    you also use db:xxx, not d:xxx)
    - add the namespace definition (the xmlns line) to the customization,
    even though it doesn't yet have any elements that need it.
    - make sure everything's spelled right; I can't remember how many times
    I've typed xls:param instead of xsl:param:).
    - try the transform with a different source file to be sure the problem
    isn't there (and use a minimum file; just a declaration and a section
    with no real content will do).

    If one of those things doesn't solve the problem, then I'd suggest
    reposting the question with more information on your environment (i.e.,
    which version of the stylesheets, which xslt processor, your xml source
    file, your OS, etc.).

    Hope that helps.

    Dick Hamilton

    On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 22:29 +0200, Erik Leunissen wrote:
    > Hello all,
    > The statement:
    > <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>
    > used in the customization layer below, triggers the following error message:
    > "XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix"
    > Anybody know:
    > - whether that's merely an annoyance or a real error?
    > - how to prevent it from happening?
    > Note aside:
    > I know that "" needs to be set also,
    > if one sets "ulink.footnotes" to 1, but I left
    > it out from this example because it doesn't
    > appear to relate to the error message.
    > Thanks in advance for any insight,
    > Erik.
    > ====== customization script following ==
    > <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    > version="1.0">
    > <xsl:import href="/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-current/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
    > <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>
    > </xsl:stylesheet>
    > == end of message ==
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 5.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-18-2008 17:14
    Richard Hamilton wrote:
    > Erik,
    > I can't duplicate this error in my environment, but that could be for
    > any number or reasons. What I normally do when I have a name space
    > problem is the following:
    > - make sure everything refers to the correct name space (and the same
    > namespace in the source, customization, and standard stylesheets).
    > - make sure the prefixes are correct (so if you say xmlns:db="...."
    > you also use db:xxx, not d:xxx)
    > - add the namespace definition (the xmlns line) to the customization,
    > even though it doesn't yet have any elements that need it.
    > - make sure everything's spelled right; I can't remember how many times
    > I've typed xls:param instead of xsl:param:).
    > - try the transform with a different source file to be sure the problem
    > isn't there (and use a minimum file; just a declaration and a section
    > with no real content will do).


    will check again with your directions,


    > If one of those things doesn't solve the problem, then I'd suggest
    > reposting the question with more information on your environment (i.e.,
    > which version of the stylesheets, which xslt processor, your xml source
    > file, your OS, etc.).
    > Hope that helps.
    > Dick Hamilton
    > On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 22:29 +0200, Erik Leunissen wrote:
    >> Hello all,
    >> The statement:
    >> <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>
    >> used in the customization layer below, triggers the following error message:
    >> "XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix"
    >> Anybody know:
    >> - whether that's merely an annoyance or a real error?
    >> - how to prevent it from happening?
    >> Note aside:
    >> I know that "" needs to be set also,
    >> if one sets "ulink.footnotes" to 1, but I left
    >> it out from this example because it doesn't
    >> appear to relate to the error message.
    >> Thanks in advance for any insight,
    >> Erik.
    >> ====== customization script following ==
    >> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    >> version="1.0">
    >> <xsl:import href="/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-current/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
    >> <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>
    >> </xsl:stylesheet>
    >> == end of message ==
    >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    >> For additional commands, e-mail:
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 6.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-18-2008 20:18
    Erik Leunissen wrote:
    >> If one of those things doesn't solve the problem, then I'd suggest
    >> reposting the question with more information on your environment (i.e.,
    >> which version of the stylesheets, which xslt processor, your xml source
    >> file, your OS, etc.).

    OK, I used the same xsl customization as in my original post on a newly
    created, minimal xml source, and the error persists.

    Both the minimal source file and the xsl customization script are
    appended to this message, as well as toolchain info. Note that the
    minimal source file needs to include an ulink element in order to
    reproduce the error message.

    Anybody can reproduce the issue with this more precise info?

    Thanks in advance,


    Source file


    <para>Some <ulink url="">text</ulink></para>

    Customizaton script

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

    <xsl:import href="/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-current/fo/docbook.xsl"/>

    <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param>


    Toolchain info

    xsl stylesheets 1.74.0

    > xsltproc --version
    Using libxml 20626, libxslt 10117 and libexslt 813
    xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20626, libxslt 10117 and libexslt 813
    libxslt 10117 was compiled against libxml 20626
    libexslt 813 was compiled against libxml 20626

    == end of message ==

  • 7.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 04:43
    I processed your test file with your customization layer (changing the
    xsl:import path to my copy of 1.74.0), using the same version of xsltproc
    (actually, the Windows binary), and I got no namespace error message. Your
    path looks like a Linux path, so perhaps someone could test it on a Linux

    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises

  • 8.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 05:35
    Bob Stayton wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I processed your test file with your customization layer (changing the
    > xsl:import path to my copy of 1.74.0), using the same version of
    > xsltproc (actually, the Windows binary), and I got no namespace error
    > message. Your path looks like a Linux path, so perhaps someone could
    > test it on a Linux box.

    Thanks for testing this. The xsl:import path is a Linux local path which
    refers to a 1.74.0 stylesheet indeed.


    > Bob Stayton
    > Sagehill Enterprises

  • 9.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 06:20
    Bob Stayton wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I processed your test file with your customization layer (changing the
    > xsl:import path to my copy of 1.74.0), using the same version of
    > xsltproc (actually, the Windows binary), and I got no namespace error
    > message. Your path looks like a Linux path, so perhaps someone could
    > test it on a Linux box.

    Since the test file and customization layer can hardly be less minimal
    than they are now, it's unlikely that there are any errors related to
    them. Therefore, I'm considering other directions, specifically the
    user-specific setup of the stulesheet distribution (1.74.0). When
    running the ./install script supplied by the 1.74.0 distribution, I got
    a few errors, and now I think that that me be the cause.

    I've re-run the installation script, and appended the output.

    One notable thing is that all the files for which the output states that
    permissions are insufficient, do not even exists (e.g.
    "/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl"). Ought they be
    suplied by the distribution? Could these error message be related to my

    Another installation-related question:
    - The stylesheet distributionin has been installed in a system-wide
    directory in order to le them be accessible for all users. This
    directory is (of course) not writable for *ordinary users*.
    - The script ./ has been run (and has just been re-run as
    mentioned above) as an *ordinary user*. Could that be a source of problems?

    Thanks for any insight,


    > ./

    NOTE: For non-interactive installs/uninstalls, use --batch

    NOTE: No found from CLASSPATH.
    Will instead use:

    Add /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/catalog.xml
    to /home/erik/.resolver/ file? [Yes]

    NOTE: /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/catalog.xml
    already in:

    NOTE: Your environment does not seem to contain the Apache XML
    Commons Resolver; without that, you can't use XML catalogs
    with Java applications. For more information, see the "How
    to use a catalog file" section in Bob Stayton's "DocBook
    XSL: The Complete Guide"

    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 325:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 364:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 398:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 414:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    ./ line 430:
    /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied

    NOTE: To source your environment correctly for using the catalog
    files in this distribution, you need to update one or more
    of your shell startup files. This installer can
    automatically make the necessary changes. Or, if you prefer,
    you can make the changes manually.

    Update /home/erik/.profile? [Yes]
    NOTE: The following file already contains information for this
    distribution, so I did not update it.

    Update /home/erik/.bashrc? [Yes]
    NOTE: The following file already contains information for this
    distribution, so I did not update it.

    == end of message ==

  • 10.  RE: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 07:46

    Erik Leunissen wrote:

    > Since the test file and customization layer can hardly be less minimal
    > than they are now, it's unlikely that there are any errors related to
    > them. Therefore, I'm considering other directions, specifically the
    > user-specific setup of the stulesheet distribution (1.74.0). When
    > running the ./install script supplied by the 1.74.0 distribution, I got
    > a few errors, and now I think that that me be the cause.
    > I've re-run the installation script, and appended the output.
    > One notable thing is that all the files for which the output states that
    > permissions are insufficient, do not even exists (e.g.
    > "/usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl"). Ought they be
    > suplied by the distribution? Could these error message be related to my
    > problem?

    Yes. The "Permission denied" indicates that the script (a.k.a. you)
    were not allowed to copy various files to /usr/local/share/... so
    naturally, they don't exist.

    > Another installation-related question:
    > - The stylesheet distributionin has been installed in a system-wide
    > directory in order to le them be accessible for all users. This
    > directory is (of course) not writable for *ordinary users*.
    > - The script ./ has been run (and has just been re-run as
    > mentioned above) as an *ordinary user*. Could that be a source of problems?

    See above.

    If you are on Ubuntu, then at the prompt, run:

    sudo ./
    and enter your password when prompted. That will let you run the script as root.
    On another Linux distribution, you may have to get a real administrator to install
    the stylesheets for you, or just be satisfied with having the stylesheets available
    to you alone. That is, just unzip the archive in your home directory.

    > Thanks for any insight,
    > Erik
    > ====
    > > ./
    > NOTE: For non-interactive installs/uninstalls, use --batch
    > NOTE: No found from CLASSPATH.
    > Will instead use:
    > /home/erik/.resolver/
    > Add /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/catalog.xml
    > to /home/erik/.resolver/ file? [Yes]
    > NOTE: /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/catalog.xml
    > already in:
    > /home/erik/.resolver/
    > NOTE: Your environment does not seem to contain the Apache XML
    > Commons Resolver; without that, you can't use XML catalogs
    > with Java applications. For more information, see the "How
    > to use a catalog file" section in Bob Stayton's "DocBook
    > XSL: The Complete Guide"
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 325:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 364:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 398:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.profile.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 414:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.cshrc.incl: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > ./ line 430:
    > /usr/local/share/xml/docbook-xsl-1.74.0/.emacs.el: Permission denied
    > NOTE: To source your environment correctly for using the catalog
    > files in this distribution, you need to update one or more
    > of your shell startup files. This installer can
    > automatically make the necessary changes. Or, if you prefer,
    > you can make the changes manually.
    > Update /home/erik/.profile? [Yes]
    > NOTE: The following file already contains information for this
    > distribution, so I did not update it.
    > /home/erik/.profile
    > Update /home/erik/.bashrc? [Yes]
    > NOTE: The following file already contains information for this
    > distribution, so I did not update it.
    > /home/erik/.bashrc
    > == end of message ==
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

    Need to know now? Get instant answers with Windows Live Messenger.

  • 11.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 17:28
    John Brown wrote:
    > If you are on Ubuntu, then at the prompt, run:
    > sudo ./
    > and enter your password when prompted. That will let you run the script
    > as root.

    It appears that the distribution is not supposed to be installed as root:

    > su
    # ./

    NOTE: For non-interactive installs/uninstalls, use --batch

    WARNING: This install script is meant to be run as a non-root
    user, but you are running it as root.

    Are you sure you want to continue? [No]

    Furthermore, the distribution (1.74.0) that I downloaded doesn't contain
    a file .profile.incl, see:

    ~/tmp/docbook-xsl-1.74.0> find . */.profile.incl > /dev/null
    find: *: No such file or directory

    Is the distribution broken?


  • 12.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-20-2008 20:08

    I recommend you run the install under your own login. You will need to
    extract the zip file using your login in a directory where you have
    write permissions. Once you've done that, you can run the install shell
    under your login. Since the install program updates your profile and
    other things in your home directory, you probably want it to run under
    your login anyway, unless you're setting things up for more than one
    user on your computer.

    .profile.incl should be in the top level directory. Your problem is
    a typo in the find command. Try the following:

    find . -name .profile.incl
    or, since it should be in that top directory,
    ls .profile.incl

    Hope that helps; good luck.

    Dick Hamilton

    On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 19:27 +0200, Erik Leunissen wrote:
    > John Brown wrote:
    > >
    > > If you are on Ubuntu, then at the prompt, run:
    > >
    > > sudo ./
    > > and enter your password when prompted. That will let you run the script
    > > as root.
    > It appears that the distribution is not supposed to be installed as root:
    > > su
    > Password:
    > # ./
    > NOTE: For non-interactive installs/uninstalls, use --batch
    > WARNING: This install script is meant to be run as a non-root
    > user, but you are running it as root.
    > Are you sure you want to continue? [No]
    > >
    > Furthermore, the distribution (1.74.0) that I downloaded doesn't contain
    > a file .profile.incl, see:
    > ~/tmp/docbook-xsl-1.74.0> find . */.profile.incl > /dev/null
    > find: *: No such file or directory
    > ~/tmp/docbook-xsl-1.74.0>
    > Is the distribution broken?
    > Erik.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 13.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-22-2008 10:01
    Richard Hamilton wrote:
    > Eric,
    > I recommend you run the install under your own login. You will need to
    > extract the zip file using your login in a directory where you have
    > write permissions. Once you've done that, you can run the install shell
    > under your login. Since the install program updates your profile and
    > other things in your home directory, you probably want it to run under
    > your login anyway, unless you're setting things up for more than one
    > user on your computer.
    > .profile.incl should be in the top level directory. Your problem is
    > a typo in the find command. Try the following:
    > find . -name .profile.incl
    > or, since it should be in that top directory,
    > ls .profile.incl
    > Hope that helps; good luck.

    Thanks Dick (you're not Richard?),

    It turns out that we may have been misunderstanding each other, or that
    I have used a vocabulary that mismatches what's being used by
    docbook-xsl and its installation/configuration procedure:

    - I found that there is no file .profile.incl in the distribution at all
    (I mean the .tar.gz that one downloads from SourceForge).
    - .profile.incl and some other files starting with a dot, are being
    generated when the program is run
    - untarring the distribution, placing it into my system's directory tree
    and possibly adjusting file permissions is what I mean by "installing".
    This is not at all what the program does. That's why we may
    have been misunderstanding each other.

    Notes aside:
    * I believe that the name of the file " "is misleading.
    I'd rather have called that file "user-configure" or equivalent.

    * Is it that the current distribution doesn't support a system-wide
    installation very well? I mean, because the script
    doesn't handle a user-specific configuration for a distribution
    that has been installed in let's say /usr/local/share/xml/...

    Regardless, I've now understood and completed the
    installation/configuration for my system; ".profile.incl" and friends
    are present.

    That, however, has not resolved the "XPath error ..." issue which this
    thread is about. In the meantime I've take other directions to find the
    cause of that error, but I'll branch off from another location in this
    discussion thread for a report about that.


    > Regards,
    > Dick Hamilton
    > On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 19:27 +0200, Erik Leunissen wrote:
    >> John Brown wrote:
    >>> If you are on Ubuntu, then at the prompt, run:
    >>> sudo ./
    >>> and enter your password when prompted. That will let you run the script
    >>> as root.
    >> It appears that the distribution is not supposed to be installed as root:
    >>> su
    >> Password:
    >> # ./
    >> NOTE: For non-interactive installs/uninstalls, use --batch
    >> WARNING: This install script is meant to be run as a non-root
    >> user, but you are running it as root.
    >> Are you sure you want to continue? [No]
    >> Furthermore, the distribution (1.74.0) that I downloaded doesn't contain
    >> a file .profile.incl, see:
    >> ~/tmp/docbook-xsl-1.74.0> find . */.profile.incl > /dev/null
    >> find: *: No such file or directory
    >> ~/tmp/docbook-xsl-1.74.0>
    >> Is the distribution broken?
    >> Erik.
    >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    >> For additional commands, e-mail:
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 14.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-22-2008 10:17
    Bob Stayton wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I processed your test file with your customization layer (changing the
    > xsl:import path to my copy of 1.74.0), using the same version of
    > xsltproc (actually, the Windows binary), and I got no namespace error
    > message. Your path looks like a Linux path, so perhaps someone could
    > test it on a Linux box.

    I've done an attempt to debugging this issue (having checked my
    installation and configuration in the meantime, so that these don't play
    a role) as follows:

    I've performed two runs of the xsl transform, one with and one without
    the parameter <xsl:param name="ulink.footnotes">1</xsl:param> in the
    customization layer.

    The transforms were done with "xsltproc -v", directing stdout and stderr
    to file

    The two resulting output files (xsltproc.out.err and xsltproc.out
    respectively) have been diff'ed and the diff is appended.

    Can anybody conclude anything useful from that diff, that would point to
    the cause of my problem?

    Thanks for any help,

    Erik (diff following)
    --- xsltproc.out 2008-06-22 11:22:39.000000000 +0200
    +++ xsltproc.out.err 2008-06-22 11:18:17.000000000 +0200
    @@ -10660,6 +10660,8 @@
    template has 1 inherited namespaces
    xsltParseTemplateContent: removing text
    parsed 4 templates
    +Registering global param ulink.footnotes
    +Defining global param ulink.footnotes
    parsed 0 templates
    Resolving attribute sets references
    creating attribute set table
    @@ -11657,13 +11659,13 @@
    Evaluating global variable
    Object is a number : 0
    -Evaluating global variable
    +Evaluating global variable ulink.footnotes
    reusing transformation dict for RVT
    -xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text 12pt
    -xsltCopyText: copy text 12pt
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text 1
    +xsltCopyText: copy text 1
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=12pt
    + content=1
    Evaluating global variable
    reusing transformation dict for RVT
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text no
    @@ -11671,6 +11673,13 @@
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    +Evaluating global variable
    +reusing transformation dict for RVT
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text 12pt
    +xsltCopyText: copy text 12pt
    +Object is an XSLT value tree :
    +1 TEXT
    + content=12pt
    Evaluating global variable profile.condition
    Evaluating global variable runinhead.default.title.end.punct
    reusing transformation dict for RVT
    @@ -11679,8 +11688,6 @@
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    -Evaluating global variable ulink.footnotes
    -Object is a number : 0
    Evaluating global variable chunker.output.standalone
    Object is a string : no
    Evaluating global variable PreviousRelease
    @@ -15277,12 +15284,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2467134
    -xsltValueOf: result id2467134
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2248027
    +xsltValueOf: result id2248027
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2467134
    + content=id2248027
    Registering variable master-reference
    Building variable master-reference
    Evaluating variable master-reference
    @@ -22913,7 +22920,7 @@
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node block
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2467134
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2248027
    apply attribute set
    call-template: name article.titlepage
    applying template 'article.titlepage'
    @@ -22987,12 +22994,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2467134
    -xsltValueOf: result id2467134
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2248027
    +xsltValueOf: result id2248027
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2467134
    + content=id2248027
    Registering variable title
    Building variable title
    Evaluating variable title
    @@ -27649,12 +27656,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2467134
    -xsltValueOf: result id2467134
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2248027
    +xsltValueOf: result id2248027
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2467134
    + content=id2248027
    Registering variable cid
    Building variable cid
    Evaluating variable cid
    @@ -27684,12 +27691,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2467134
    -xsltValueOf: result id2467134
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2248027
    +xsltValueOf: result id2248027
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2467134
    + content=id2248027
    Registering variable nodes
    Building variable nodes select section|sect1|refentry
    |qandaset[$ != 0]
    Evaluating variable nodes
    @@ -27703,7 +27710,7 @@
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node block
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2467134
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2248027
    apply attribute set
    xsltIf: test $toc.title.p
    Lookup variable toc.title.p
    @@ -28611,12 +28618,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2601737
    -xsltValueOf: result id2601737
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2586076
    +xsltValueOf: result id2586076
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2601737
    + content=id2586076
    Registering variable cid
    Building variable cid
    Evaluating variable cid
    @@ -28646,12 +28653,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2467134
    -xsltValueOf: result id2467134
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2248027
    +xsltValueOf: result id2248027
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2467134
    + content=id2248027
    Registering variable depth
    Building variable depth select count(ancestor::section) + 1
    Evaluating variable depth
    @@ -28711,12 +28718,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2601737
    -xsltValueOf: result id2601737
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2586076
    +xsltValueOf: result id2586076
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2601737
    + content=id2586076
    Registering variable label
    Building variable label
    Evaluating variable label
    @@ -28875,7 +28882,7 @@
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node basic-link
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2601737
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2586076
    xsltIf: test $label != ''
    Lookup variable label
    found variable label
    @@ -28959,11 +28966,11 @@
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node basic-link
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2601737
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2586076
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node page-number-citation
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2601737
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns id2586076
    call-template returned: name toc.line
    xsltIf: test $toc.section.depth > $depth and
    $toc.max.depth > $depth.from.context and section
    Lookup variable toc.section.depth
    @@ -29013,12 +29020,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2601737
    -xsltValueOf: result id2601737
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2586076
    +xsltValueOf: result id2586076
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2601737
    + content=id2586076
    Registering variable renderas
    Building variable renderas
    Evaluating variable renderas
    @@ -29120,8 +29127,8 @@
    xsltValueOf: select $id
    Lookup variable id
    found variable id
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2601737
    -xsltValueOf: result id2601737
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2586076
    +xsltValueOf: result id2586076
    call-template: name section.content
    applying template 'section.content'
    call-template: name section.titlepage
    @@ -29197,12 +29204,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2601737
    -xsltValueOf: result id2601737
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2586076
    +xsltValueOf: result id2586076
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2601737
    + content=id2586076
    Registering variable renderas
    Building variable renderas
    Evaluating variable renderas
    @@ -33279,12 +33286,12 @@
    xsltValueOf: select generate-id($object)
    Lookup variable object
    found variable object
    -xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2593516
    -xsltValueOf: result id2593516
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text id2582929
    +xsltValueOf: result id2582929
    call-template returned: name
    Object is an XSLT value tree :
    1 TEXT
    - content=id2593516
    + content=id2582929
    xsltIf: test $conditional = 0 or $node/@id or $node/@xml:id
    Lookup variable conditional
    found variable conditional
    @@ -33846,42 +33853,152 @@
    xsltChoose: test $ulink.footnotes != 0 and not(ancestor::footnote)
    Lookup variable ulink.footnotes
    found variable ulink.footnotes
    +xsltChoose: test evaluate to 1
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node footnote
    +call-template: name ulink.footnote.number
    +applying template 'ulink.footnote.number'
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node inline
    +apply attribute set
    +xsltChoose: test $fop.extensions != 0
    +Lookup variable fop.extensions
    +found variable fop.extensions
    +xsltChoose: test evaluate to 0
    +evaluating xsl:otherwise
    +Registering variable fnum
    +Building variable fnum
    +Evaluating variable fnum
    +reusing transformation dict for RVT
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing
    'footnote[not(@label)][not(ancestor::tgroup)] '
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed
    //footnote[not(@label)][not(ancestor::tgroup)] ,
    default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'ulink[node()][@url !=
    .][not(ancestor::footnote)] '
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed //ulink[node()][@url !=
    .][not(ancestor::footnote)] , default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing '*[node()][@xlink:href][not(@xlink:href =
    [not(contains(@xlink:href,'#') and @xlink:role = $xolink.role)]
    [not(@xlink:type) or @xlink:type='simple']
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed //*[node()][@xlink:href][not(@xlink:href =
    [not(contains(@xlink:href,'#') and @xlink:role = $xolink.role)]
    [not(@xlink:type) or @xlink:type='simple']
    [not(ancestor::footnote)], default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'chapter'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed chapter, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'appendix'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed appendix, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'preface'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed preface, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'article'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed article, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'refentry'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed refentry, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'bibliography[not(parent::article)]'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed bibliography[not(parent::article)], default
    priority 0.500000
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text 1
    +Object is an XSLT value tree :
    +1 TEXT
    + content=1
    +xsltChoose: test string-length($footnote.number.symbols) >= $fnum
    +Lookup variable footnote.number.symbols
    +found variable footnote.number.symbols
    +Lookup variable fnum
    +found variable fnum
    xsltChoose: test evaluate to 0
    evaluating xsl:otherwise
    +Lookup variable footnote.number.format
    +found variable footnote.number.format
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns 1
    +xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate: {$footnote.number.format} returns 1
    +Lookup variable fnum
    +found variable fnum
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text 1
    +call-template returned: name ulink.footnote.number
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node footnote-body
    +apply attribute set
    +xsltValueOf: select $body.fontset
    +Lookup variable body.fontset
    +found variable body.fontset
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text serif,Symbol,ZapfDingbats
    +xsltValueOf: result serif,Symbol,ZapfDingbats
    +xsltValueOf: select $footnote.font.size
    +Lookup variable footnote.font.size
    +found variable footnote.font.size
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text 8pt
    +xsltValueOf: result 8pt
    +xsltValueOf: select $alignment
    +Lookup variable alignment
    +found variable alignment
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text justify
    +xsltValueOf: result justify
    +xsltValueOf: select $hyphenate
    +Lookup variable hyphenate
    +found variable hyphenate
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text true
    +xsltValueOf: result true
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node block
    +call-template: name ulink.footnote.number
    +applying template 'ulink.footnote.number'
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node inline
    -xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text [
    -xsltCopyText: copy text [
    +apply attribute set
    +xsltChoose: test $fop.extensions != 0
    +Lookup variable fop.extensions
    +found variable fop.extensions
    +xsltChoose: test evaluate to 0
    +evaluating xsl:otherwise
    +Registering variable fnum
    +Building variable fnum
    +Evaluating variable fnum
    +reusing transformation dict for RVT
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing
    'footnote[not(@label)][not(ancestor::tgroup)] '
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed
    //footnote[not(@label)][not(ancestor::tgroup)] ,
    default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'ulink[node()][@url !=
    .][not(ancestor::footnote)] '
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed //ulink[node()][@url !=
    .][not(ancestor::footnote)] , default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing '*[node()][@xlink:href][not(@xlink:href =
    [not(contains(@xlink:href,'#') and @xlink:role = $xolink.role)]
    [not(@xlink:type) or @xlink:type='simple']
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed //*[node()][@xlink:href][not(@xlink:href =
    [not(contains(@xlink:href,'#') and @xlink:role = $xolink.role)]
    [not(@xlink:type) or @xlink:type='simple']
    [not(ancestor::footnote)], default priority 0.500000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'chapter'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed chapter, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'appendix'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed appendix, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'preface'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed preface, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'article'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed article, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'refentry'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed refentry, default priority 0.000000
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsing 'bibliography[not(parent::article)]'
    +xsltCompilePattern : parsed bibliography[not(parent::article)], default
    priority 0.500000
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +XPath error : Undefined namespace prefix
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text 1
    +Object is an XSLT value tree :
    +1 TEXT
    + content=1
    +xsltChoose: test string-length($footnote.number.symbols) >= $fnum
    +Lookup variable footnote.number.symbols
    +found variable footnote.number.symbols
    +Lookup variable fnum
    +found variable fnum
    +xsltChoose: test evaluate to 0
    +evaluating xsl:otherwise
    +Lookup variable footnote.number.format
    +found variable footnote.number.format
    +xsltEvalXPathString: returns 1
    +xsltEvalAttrValueTemplate: {$footnote.number.format} returns 1
    +Lookup variable fnum
    +found variable fnum
    +xsltCopyTextString: copy text 1
    +call-template returned: name ulink.footnote.number
    +xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text
    +xsltCopyText: copy text
    xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy node basic-link
    Lookup variable ulink.url
    found variable ulink.url
    xsltEvalXPathString: returns url(
    -call-template: name hyphenate-url
    -Handling xsl:with-param url
    - select $url
    -Building variable url select $url
    -Evaluating variable url
    -Lookup variable url
    -found variable url
    -Object is a Node Set :
    -Set contains 1 nodes:
    -1 ATTRIBUTE url
    - TEXT
    - content=
    -applying template 'hyphenate-url'
    -Registering param url
    -param url defined by caller
    -xsltChoose: test $ulink.hyphenate = ''
    -Lookup variable ulink.hyphenate
    -found variable ulink.hyphenate
    -xsltChoose: test evaluate to 1
    xsltValueOf: select $url
    Lookup variable url
    found variable url
    xsltCopyTextString: copy text
    xsltValueOf: result
    -call-template returned: name hyphenate-url
    -xsltApplyOneTemplate: copy text ]
    -xsltCopyText: copy text ]
    call-template returned: name hyperlink.url.display
    call-template returned: name section.content
    Shutting down module :

    == end of message ==

  • 15.  Re: [docbook-apps] xsl parameter "ulink.footnotes" generating an error

    Posted 06-22-2008 13:09
    Erik Leunissen wrote:

    > ...
    > The two resulting output files (xsltproc.out.err and xsltproc.out
    > respectively) have been diff'ed and the diff is appended.
    > ...

    In case anyone wonders:

    Yes indeed, output size from "xsltproc -v" is huge, in my case around
    1.25 MB for each run. However, the difference between the outputs of the
    two runs appears to be relatively small (luckily). Which is why I dared
    to include it in the previous post).

