
  • 1.  label separator?

    Posted 10-24-2018 20:02
    hi, I've done a complete rewrite of my customization layer and missed
    something along the way.
    Previously my references to chapters, tables, etc would look like,for
    example, Table %n %t.
    Table 13 Parameter Estimates.

    Now I get Table 13Parameter Estimates. or Chapter 3Overview

    I just can't see what I'm missing. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
    I'm using olinking and my olinks look like this:

    <olink targetdoc="bookname" targetptr="chaptername" xrefstyle="select:
    label title" />

    The element in the olinkdb.xml:

    <ttl>Overview</ttl><xreftext>Chapter 3</xreftext> etc.

    thanks for any pointers,

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] label separator?

    Posted 10-25-2018 00:08
    Hi Tim,

    That separator is supplied by a stylesheet parameter named
    'xref.label-title.separator', whose default value is ": "

    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises

    On 10/24/2018 1:02 PM, Tim Arnold wrote:
    > hi, I've done a complete rewrite of my customization layer and missed
    > something along the way.
    > Previously my references to chapters, tables, etc would look like,for
    > example, Table %n %t.
    > Table 13 Parameter Estimates.
    > Now I get Table 13Parameter Estimates. or Chapter 3Overview
    > I just can't see what I'm missing. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
    > I'm using olinking and my olinks look like this:
    >     <olink targetdoc="bookname" targetptr="chaptername"
    > xrefstyle="select: label title" />
    > The element in the olinkdb.xml:
    > number="3" targetptr="chaptername">
    > <ttl>Overview</ttl><xreftext>Chapter 3</xreftext> etc.
    > thanks for any pointers,
    > --Tim

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] label separator?

    Posted 10-25-2018 00:37
    As usual, you’re awesome Bob.
    Thanks so much.

    On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 8:07 PM Bob Stayton <> wrote:

    > Hi Tim,
    > That separator is supplied by a stylesheet parameter named
    > 'xref.label-title.separator', whose default value is ": "
    > Bob Stayton
    > Sagehill
    > On 10/24/2018 1:02 PM, Tim Arnold wrote:
    > hi, I've done a complete rewrite of my customization layer and missed
    > something along the way.
    > Previously my references to chapters, tables, etc would look like,for
    > example, Table %n %t.
    > Table 13 Parameter Estimates.
    > Now I get Table 13Parameter Estimates. or Chapter 3Overview
    > I just can't see what I'm missing. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
    > I'm using olinking and my olinks look like this:
    > <olink targetdoc="bookname" targetptr="chaptername" xrefstyle="select:
    > label title" />
    > The element in the olinkdb.xml:
    > targetptr="chaptername">
    > <ttl>Overview</ttl><xreftext>Chapter 3</xreftext> etc.
    > thanks for any pointers,
    > --Tim