Please find below the comments to the CTS draft.
Page: 10, Line: 76-80 -> Is SBE the recommended encoding for constrained IoT (embedded) devices ? What determines in what scenario/topology SBE (or JSON/XML) must be used? How is that negotiated?
Page: 16, Line: 267-269 -> Message transport is affected by the topology. SOA is typically client/server while many of the modern IoT topologies are publish/subscribe (relying on MQTT or AMQP session management). This document should take into account the support of this latter scenario.
Page: 18, Line: 307 -> How are PartyIDs assigned? Are they unique? How is uniqueness enforced?
Page: 30, Line: 30 -> Some of these fields (like CURRENCY) should be binary encoded as enumerations (whenever possible). Specifically, many (IoT and non-IoT) devices in constrained environments rely on physical/link layer technologies (like IEEE 802.15.4) that are not designed to handle large payloads (even with upper layer adaptation)
Page: 41, Line: 604 -> How is the transaction ID defined? Some of these tables like 8-2 and 9-2 should specify the data type of each attribute.