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Contribution of EI Profile CTS (Common Transactive Services)

  • 1.  Contribution of EI Profile CTS (Common Transactive Services)

    Posted 12-07-2020 00:48
    The Energy Mashup Lab contributes its profile of the Energy Interoperation OASIS Standard known as the Common Transactive Services (CTS) to the Energy Interoperation Technical Committee as the basis for developing an OASIS standard profile.

    The CTS messages were identified initially in the NIST Transactive Energy Challenge (or TEC), and refined by members of The Lab. CTS uses the identified commonality between messages of existing TE systems, including those not based on EI.

    The proposed profile builds on the TEMIX profiles with standard UML, and is intended to deliver semantically identical messages for:

    1. A “standard XML” version. This is intended closely to align the existing TEMIX profile

    2. A JSON version

    3. A FIXML version (maybe)

    4. A FIX SBE (Simple Binary Encoding, an ISO standard used in many financial markets and codified in ISO)

    This aligns with existing implementations using the TEMIX profile, which are primarily use JSON.

    The Lab requests that the TC implement a standing rule for the TC so that all IP releases for suggestions to the CTS to be treated as submitted to The Lab’s open source software project, which is provided under the Apache 2.0 license at the same time.

    The Lab plans to continue active development of this project as open source Transactive Energy services and payloads. The Lab’s software is predicated on a microgrid model.

    It will be useful if the microgrid software being developed in The Lab and the cloud-based distribution-system markets developed for TEMIX become identical, to encourage the development of innovative energy systems able to participate in transactive energy no matter the local business model and architecture.

    The Energy Mashup Lab is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to move us past the era of non-interoperable trials of Transactive Energy. The purpose of The Lab is to develop and promote open source software to provide the platform for and the operating system for smart energy. The contributed specification are the services that The Lab uses in its continuing open source EML-CTS project. (

    Toby Considine
    Director, The Energy Mashup Lab

    William T. Cox
    CTO, The Energy Mashup Lab