I have found the following typos in the spec (some of them have been already mentioned by Yves):
9 processinmg
10 W3C Note, 15th Setember 1997.
11 proccess
14 cotained
14 conetnt
14 terms of of documents
15 procesing
27 Deirectionality
35 likley
38, 122 elment,
39 adhers
40 are ti be treated.
41 Please note that Agents using Processing Instruction to implenmet XLIFF Core or Module
fetaures are not compliant XLIFF applications disregaring wheteher they are otherwise
41 dsicouraged
47 formating.
46, 48, 57, 58 a content,
49 equivalant
58 funtionality
58 extensin
59 Constrainst
59 Intergrity
59 (twice) prerserved.
60 Note that when splitting or joining segments that have both source and target content it is
advisable to keep the resulting segments linguistically aligned, which is likely to require human
lingusistic expertise and hence manual resgmentation. If the lingusitically correct alignmnet
cannot be guaranteed, discarding the target content and retranslating the resulting source
segments is worth considering.
61 fullfill
61 apeared
61 Trasformations
74 becuase
59 Intergrity
76 langauge.
77 translaton candidates
79, 88 attribues
82 prescibe
82 Requiremenets
88 matagroup
91 attirbute
100 elemnent
104 atributes
106, 107 preform
107 storaqge
108 (twice) elemnt
59 (twice) prerserved.
60 lingusistic expertise and hence manual resgmentation.
108 (inverted commas) "xliff:codepoints"
108, 109 (inverted commas) "maximum" or "minimum and maximum"
109 (inverted commas) size ("[minsize,]maxsize").
109 (inverted commas) H.1.5.2 Storage restriction profiles "xliff:utf8", "xliff:utf16" and "xliff:utf32"
110 this modulecan be used is
119 The allowed values are are listed in
122 symplified,
122 elments
122 extesnions
122 Markres
122 refernces
123 Receommendation
122 (twice) specifcation
123 defintions
123 reponse