OASIS Conformance TC

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Re: "Conditions" in the Conformance White Paper

  • 1.  Re: "Conditions" in the Conformance White Paper

    Posted 08-09-2001 13:21
    Todd - Thank you for your comments and suggestions.    Re: Appendix C, where you offer an example, section C.4.1 below item (2).  You list the conditions that a Registry and Registry Client must satisfy for conformance.  Since this is an example test plan, I would like to see a mapping of those conditions back to the specification.  For each condition, I would find it useful to identify the source statement in the spec that caused the condition to exist.  It is always good to have some traceability back to the specification.  Since these clauses reference the registry specification, it probably makes sense to include the clause number from the specification.    In general, is there a formal (or defined or recommended) methodology for reading a specification and identifying conformance conditions?  Good question.  I don't know if there is something. I think usually someone reads the specification and looks for words like SHALL or MUST.   However, we (the Conformance TC) is in the process of creating a Conformance Requirements document which may help.  Within this document is a section that identifies the conformance keywords that are used by ISO and those use by the IETF.   We plan to circulate a draft of this Conformance Requirements document prior to the telconf on Aug 16.   Related to this, your paper talks about disputes in the testing process.  What about disputes that might arise in deriving (agreeing on) the conditions for conformance?  Is this even an issue? Yes, this is sometimes an issue.  It often occurs and is a discussion when developing the conformance clause for the specification.  That is one of the reasons we think having a conformance clause in the specification should be mandatory.  By having this clause, it minimizes the disputes over when is something conformant, later on.    Finally,  I am thinking it would be good to have a formal definition of "condition" and then adding it to you glossary. I'm not sure of the best phrasing for this, but the context for the definition would be: "an implementation is conforming if it meets the following conditions :"  Good idea. We will have to work on a good definition regards. Lynne Lynne S. Rosenthal NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970 (301)975-3353, fax (301)948-6213 lynne.rosenthal@nist.gov