Hello All Below is a Summary of June 14 th , Paris meeting of the Interoperability and Conformance TC The meeting was held June 14, 1600-1730, at the Palais des Congres, Paris France. Attendees: (voting or observer status is noted by ?v? or ?o? followed by the company affiliation) Lynne Rosenthal (v/NIST) and Mark Skall (v/NIST) cochairs Mary Brady (v/NIST), Lisa Carnahan (o/NIST), Carmelo Montanez (o/NIST) Lofton Henderson (v/--), Ken Holman (o/Crane Softwrights Ltd.), Karl Best (o/OASIS) Topics of discussion: 0. Status of the TC The TC is an official OASIS TC. Web space on the OASIS server has been requested. Terminology: the term Test Suite refers to both the tests and the accompanying documentation. 1. Restatement of purpose. There was agreement on the Purpose statement. The TC will discuss and develop information (e.g., documents, white papers, quidelines) related to general conformance issues. The idea is that the work of this TC would help to ?jump start? other OASIS TC?s whose purpose is to develop conformance tests. 2. Discussion of Deliverables Two of the deliverables were discussed: a guideline on conformance and its related issues as well as criteria for member organizations to submit tests to OASIS/NIST test development efforts. Some of the deliverables will need to be coordinated with other TCs for their input (e.g., the criteria for test submission document). Guideline on Conformance. This document would present general information about conformance, including terminology and issues that should be addressed when considering conformance. If anyone has such a document or would like to draft the document, please send it to Lynne. Additionally, we would like to create a ?library? of white papers on conformance, so if anyone would like to contribute a paper or the URL for the paper, please send it to Lynne. Criteria for Conformance Test Suite Submission. The draft circulated via email served as a base for discussion. Ken Holman stated that the XSL TC has also been discussing this topic. Input, comments, and suggestions from the other OASIS conformance development TCs (e.g., XSL, XML) will be solicited. The document will provide general criteria that could apply to any conformance test development effort. The TCs developing conformance tests could use this document as a basis on which they could add specific criteria for their area. If you are interested in helping to write this document, please let Lynne know. Also, please send any comments or contributions on writing this document to Lynne. 3. Relationship to other groups 3.1 ebXML. ---The ebXML Initiative is a joint UN/CEFACT and OASIS effort to lower the barrier of entry to e-business for small and medium size businesses and countries. The ebXML Technical Architecture Group is responsible for conformance for ebXML. This TC could help provide conformance information to their specification. Lynne, Mark and Norbert Mikula participated at their last meeting, leading the discussion on conformance, including the need to have a conformance clause in the ebXML specification and to make use of (or at least encourage the use of) conformance tests for XML technologies 3.2 W3C -- W3C has started to be very concerned with developing conformance tests along with their Recommendations. They have advertised for a Conformance Manager and within various committees have discussed developing conformance tests. At this point, no one at our meeting knew who this conformance manager was, nor who in W3C would be a person to contact. It was agreed that there seems to be a lack of communication between OASIS and W3C with respect to conformance, that there is a lot of synergy between the groups, and there is plenty of opportunity to leverage the interests and resources of each group. It was agreed that there needs to be a strong liaison and cooperation between W3C and OASIS. Several possibilities of how W3C and OASIS could work together were discussed, e.g., W3C develops test assertions and OASIS develops the executable test suites. ACTION: make contact with W3C and pursue discussions on conformance and synergy. This may be something for OASIS BoD to pursue along with this TC. If possible, it would be good to arrange a meeting between appropriate W3C and OASIS people. 4. New Areas Topic Maps It was suggested that Topic Maps might be a potential new area for conformance work. Our TC could help to raise awareness of conformance (e.g., the need to consider conformance when writing the specification, test development, etc.). Work on topic maps is being done in SC34 WG3. 5. Awareness Part of what this TC and OASIS can do is to promote conformance as a good thing. Several ideas were suggested including: - making people aware of conformance. (we can do some of this by putting various white papers about conformance on our web space.) - get major companies to contribute to test development efforts - let people know that you don?t need to contribute lots of tests. - Norbert does an excellent job talking about conformance and the work begin done in OASIS at various conferences. 6.Next meeting and future work. No future meeting or teleconference was scheduled. Work will be conducted via email. If a meeting or teleconference is necessary, it will be arranged via email Lynne Lynne S. Rosenthal NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970 (301)975-3353, fax (301)948-6213