Stuhec, Gunther wrote:
> Hello,
> the following attachments includes the first draft version of the purchase
> order (UBL_Order_0p1.xsd), the reusable types of this purchase order
> (UBL_ReusableTypes_0p1.xsd) and the necessary core component types
> (CoreComponentTypes.xsd). The CoreComponetTypes are imported into the Order
> and ReuableTypes with the namespace prefix "cct:".
> All three schemas are well formed and valid now. I changed all bugs and
> mistakes from the Excel-Sheet inside the schemas only.
Hi All,
I ran the schemas through the Schema Quality Checker from IBM
alphaworks (you'll find it in the XML section of and
found a few errors left. Most are really minor, and could probably be
corrected in the tools that generates the schema from the stylesheet.
Schemas errors detected :
In CoreComponentTypes.xsd :
- All id that were numeric : XXX -> cctXXX since attributes of type ID
have to be
In UBL_Order_0p1.xsd :
- Attribute value "UBL000001" of type ID must be unique within the document.
Fix : simply increment UBLXXX
- Ambiguous content model : the following particles overlap (lines 50
and 60) :
<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="BuyerIdentification"
<xsd:documentation source="UBL Definition">The unique number
assigned by the buyer to the Order.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="BuyerIdentification"
<xsd:documentation source="UBL Definition">BuyerAccountId is the
unique identification assigned to the buyer
Fix : ???
In UBL_ReusableTypes_0p1.xsd
- Attribute value "UBL000001" of type ID must be unique within the document.
Fix : simply increment UBLXXX
Fabrice Desre - France Telecom R&D/DTL/TAL
Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 31 43
Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 39 45