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[ubl-ndrsc] NDR QA Comments

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] NDR QA Comments

    Posted 12-02-2002 12:34
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    Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] NDR QA Comments

    The QA Team has been sending in their comments to me.  I am downloading them onto the UBL.cim3.org working space server that Peter Yim has supplied to us.  the link for the documents is:
    Lisa Seaburg
    AEON Consulting
    Website: http://shell.gmi.net/~xmlgeek/
    Email:  lseaburg@midsouth.rr.com
    Alternative Email: xcblgeek@yahoo.com
    Phone: 662-562-7676
    Cellphone: 662-501-7676
    "Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk."

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