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Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Namespace Transitivity
This isn't a correction so much as a clarification. Assuming that Bill's
versioning proposal is accepted (and it seems like a no-brainer), we
need to be clear about which old namespaces must be imported when
creating a new version with a new namespace. Arofan's mail describes
this in more detail; basically there was some uncertainty as to whether
(say) UBL v1.2 need import only UBL v1.1 (which in turn imports UBL
v1.0), or whether both UBL v1.0 and UBL v1.1 must be imported in order
to have access to all names.
It appears from the schema spec that the latter is the case. This is IMO
a bug in the spec since there should be a way to specify that when a
namespace is imported it "brings with it" some or all of the namespaces
that it imports (I think this is most important specifically in the case
of versioning). But if I start lamenting the shortcomings of XML Schema
this will be a very long mail indeed. We will just have to document this
and live with it.