Tim, et al, See the attached zip file for UML class diagrams of all schemas in cycle 3 review package. These are in GIF format. The reverse engineering algorithm applies 3 simple rules to obtain the class diagram, which comes very close to illustrating the core component conceptual model from the spreadsheets. My goal for these class diagrams is to facilitate review of the information model implied by these schemas. And also to facilitate QA of the schemas to assure that they reflect the original content analysis. The class diagrams are derived only from the XSD source, nothing else. The mapping rules to UML: 1. Remove the "DetailsType" suffix from complexType names. 2. For each complexType child element, if its type is either a simpleType or a complexType with simpleContent, then map that child element to a UML attribute. 3. For the resulting UML attribute name (derived from the child element name), remove the prefixed class name (i.e., remove the qualified object class term). So, "ActualShipmentHandlingCode" is changed to "HandlingCode" because it is an attribute of the UML class "ActualShipment". The decomposition into sub-diagrams is based on my visual review of the diagrams to keep them from becoming too complex and to minimize redundancy across diagrams. An additional simplification could be made by removing the representation term from the attribute name suffix, because this representation term is also clearly evident in the UML attribute type name (which is a core component type, e.g. CodeType). If I were a Java developer working with these schemas, the UML class diagrams are close to what I would desire as a Java API. Tim, I'll update document section listing these diagrams and send it to you. Also,I don't have write access to the ubl-lcsc list, so would someone forward? Regards, Dave Carlson