UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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schemaLocation should just stick to relative path

  • 1.  schemaLocation should just stick to relative path

    Posted 10-02-2003 10:07
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ubl-ndrsc message

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    Subject: schemaLocation should just stick to relative path

    I understand NDR was discussing having schemaLocation 
    attributes store absolute paths as a rule.  I also
    heard that it was for purpose of having online 
    distribution of UBL schemas (thanks for Stephen for
    clear and detailed summary).
    I think there may be occasions when absolute paths are
    useful, such as an online business operation.   Likewise, 
    there may be as well occasions when relative paths
    make much more sense, such as in more remote parts of
    the Earth, in areas of poor connectivity, test systems,
    As such, I didn't think it is beneficial to have a rule 
    to make relative path a forbidden way of implementing 
    UBL schema validations.  We can just keep silent, and
    allow implementors to decide.  The implementational
    aspects SHOULD NOT become part of NDR lists because
    it may unnecessarily restrict specific or creative
    usages and application contexts.
    I'll suggest leaving out the rule.  We can still dish out
    online UBL schemas, and end-users can still validate
    against local copies.
    Best Regards,
    Chin Chee-Kai
    Tel: +65-6820-2979
    Fax: +65-6743-7875
    Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net

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