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Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Metadata Enumerated Lists

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Metadata Enumerated Lists

    Posted 05-16-2002 16:06
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ubl-ndrsc message

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    Subject: Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Metadata Enumerated Lists

    We never discussed this issue on the call yesterday -- my bad.  Lisa, 
    your "list of lists" is very helpful.  It shows that there are 
    definitely cases where UBL will have to invent its own lists, and it 
    also shows (to me, anyway) that we don't have a very clear demarcation 
    between "administrative/metadata" code lists and others.
    But here's the best news.  I think that our decision to use "namespaced 
    types" means that we can handle the occasional UBL-internal code list 
    exactly as we would any other external code list: It should have a 
    unique named type, and could be reused by someone else if they wanted 
    to.  (Whew. :-)
    Lisa Seaburg wrote:
    > Well, I searched the UBL library (UBL_Library-0p64.xls) and came up with
    > the following lists.  My prerequisits for the lists were ONE: where we
    > reused the list from xCBL (meaning there was no list available from
    > outside sources) and TWO: where it was trying to codify something that
    > was mathmatic, a type???  This is where is got fuzzy.  I started out
    > thinking it should be more administrative.  But I found those lists from
    > xCBL that were administrative had either not been reused in UBL or were
    > now identifiers instead of lists.
    > Lisa
    > Possible Lists to use as examples for NDR:
    > --------------------------
    > BasisCoded  UBL: BasisID  UBL000190
    > the basis the allowance or charge is calculated using a standard
    > codelist.
    > Enumerated list in xCBL.
    > 	Other - Custom Code 
    > 	None 
    > 	Quantity 
    > 	Percent 
    > 	MonetaryAmount 
    > -------------------------
    > UBL: DescriptionCode  UBL000174
    > A code that describes the significance of the dates or the duration. 
    > xCBL: DateTimeRefCode	
    > Perhaps a business event sets this off, or triggers something to happen.
    > -----------------------------
    > Not sure about this one:
    > RequestedResponse  UBL: AcknowledgementResponseCode  UBL000352
    > specifies the type of acknowledgment requested by the buyer from the
    > seller.
    > derived from EDIFACT 1225 (Message function code) and 1229 (Action
    > request/notification description code)and X12 353 (Transaction set
    > purpose code) and 587 (Acknowledgment type)
    > 		Value: Enumeration, including:
    > 		Other - Custom Code 
    > 		DebitAdvice 
    > 		AcknowledgeHoldStatus 
    > 		AcknowledgementWhenError 
    > 		AcknowledgeNoDetailOrChange 
    > 		AcknowledgeOnlyChanges 
    > 		AcknowledgeProductReplenishment 
    > 		AcknowledgeWithDetailAndChange 
    > 		AcknowledgeWithDetailNoChange 
    > 		AdviceWithDetails 
    > 		AdviceWithoutDetails 
    > 		Authentication 
    > 		CreditAdviceAndAcknowledgementForDirectDebit 
    > 		CreditAdviceMessageAcknowledgement 
    > 		CreditAdviceRequestedForDirectDebit 
    > 		DebitAdviceForEachTransaction 
    > 		DebitAdviceMessageAcknowledgement 
    > 		DebitAdviceMessageAcknowledgementForEachTransaction 
    > 		DebitAdviceRequested 
    > 		MessageAcknowledgement 
    > 		NoAcknowledgementNeeded 
    > 		RequestAuthority 
    > 		ResponseExpected 
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com

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