UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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What has happened to UBL dial-ins?

  • 1.  What has happened to UBL dial-ins?

    Posted 07-28-2003 16:56
    I tried to dial in today for the UBL plenary, and also for the LCSC/NDRSC joint
    meeting.  In both cases, nobody else seemed to have dialed in.  I was told by
    the automated voice that the chair had not dialed in yet, even 5-10 minutes
    into the appointed time.  The same thing happened when I dialed in last Friday.
    I thought there was no meeting, but minutes came out, so I get the feeling that
    something odd is happening, but I can't say what.  In any case, I won't be able
    to join into any telecons until it gets resolved, though I'm not sure myself
    what to do next.
    Has anyone else dialed in successfully today from outside North America?
    Anthony B. Coates
    London Market Systems Limited
    33 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2BR 
    Mobile/Cell: +44 (79) 0543 9026
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