UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

    Posted 01-30-2002 12:22
    At Tuesday, 29 January 2002, Dale McKay <dale@drmckay.net> wrote:
    >Just a note: If anyone has any new CCT's, now would be a good time 
    to bring
    >them up.
    I'll put in my 2 cents worth for having one CCT per Representation 
    Term.  A one-to-one correspondence (or one-to-one and onto,i.e., 
    isomorphic, if you want to be complete about it) is a lot cleaner 
    and better defined than the many-to-one CCT to RT relathionship in 
    the spec as it stands.
    Michael C. Rawlins
    Texas Metronet