UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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  • 1.  Rule 13 Modeling Rules

    Posted 08-20-2003 17:44
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    Subject: Rule 13 Modeling Rules

    I am going back through Rules already discussed and building a status list.
    The following rules, that I am sending out are all commented on, but not
    decided.  Though the comments are not always for or against, mostly
    editorial.  So, same rules apply.  You have 5 working days to register
    Rules for Voting:  Each email will have only one set of rules in it.  The
    membership has 5 working days to bring forth objection or discussion, after
    the 5 working days, if there are no objections, the rule will be assumed to
    be "ACCEPTED" and be given to the LCSC for their implementation.
    Voting period on this rule ends:  August 27, 2003
    [R13a] UBL Models MUST define classes based on UN/CEFACT Basic Business
    Information Entities and Aggregate Business Information Entities.
    [R13b] For every object class identified in the syntax-neutral modelUBL
    model, a named complex type MUST be definitioned.
    [r13c] For every class identified in the UBL model, a and a corresponding
    global element bound to the corresponding complex type MUST be declared.
    declaration bound to that type mustMUST be created.
    [R13d] For every primary representation term used in the UBL model, a named
    complex type MUST be defined.
    [R13e] For every secondary representation term used in the UBL model, a
    named complex type MUST be defined.
    Lisa Seaburg
    AEON Consulting
    Website: http://www.aeon-llc.com
    Email:  lseaburg@aeon-llc.com
    Alternative Email: xcblgeek@yahoo.com
    Phone: 662-562-7676
    Cellphone: 662-501-7676
    "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
                           -Katharine Hepburn
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    FN:Lisa Seaburg (E-mail)
    ORG:Aeon LLC
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