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[ubl-ndrsc] Thread: Embedded Documentation

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Thread: Embedded Documentation

    Posted 02-10-2003 13:32
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Thread: Embedded Documentation

    Dear all
    I want to get the ball started again on our Embedded Documentation
    For those of you who did not make the F2F we went back and forth on what
    documentation needs to be in the schema, in what format. Mark Crawford also
    mentioned the role of the ebXML registry.
    Before digging in to this discussion I strongly suggest you go back over
    Gunther's presentation, the Minutes of NDR F2F on Feb 4th and the Joint NDR
    LCSC Minutes of the same date.
    In terms of embedded documentation I think we need to answer two primary
    1. How much documentation should we provide in the schema. See
                 - who is the audience
                 - how much documentation do they need
                 - what documentation should not go in the schema and where
    should it go
    2. Based on degree of documentation in the schema and audience what should
    be our chosen format?
               - XHTML
              - UBL customized Docbook
    Please tailor your response under these headings as I will then try to
    distill our final conclusions from it.
    If I am missing any vital question please do tell me and add it accordingly.

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