UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Rule: 54 CCT Content Component

  • 1.  Rule: 54 CCT Content Component

    Posted 07-10-2003 13:28
    Rules for Voting:  Each email will have only one rule in it, I will try to
    mark the rules that group with it, or rules that might duplicate it.  The
    membership has 5 working days to bring forth objection or discussion, after
    the 5 working days, if there are no objections, the rule will be assumed to
    be "ACCEPTED" and be given to the LCSC for their implementation.
    Please Reply leaving first email in Reply.
    Voting period on this rule ends:  July 17, 2003
    [R 54]  If the Content Component of a Core Component Type is restricted by
    any kind of facets, this Content Component must be a restriction of a
    simpleType.  The name of the simpleType must be ending with the suffix
    Group Rules:  53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
    ATG Decision:  [R 54A] The Content Component must be based on a XSD built-in
    datatype. If the Content Component of a Core Component Type is restricted by
    any kind of facets, this Content Component must be a restriction of a
    simpleType. [R 54B] The name of the Content Component simpleType must be
    name of the Content Component with period, underscores and space removed and
    the word "Type".
    Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
    Version: 6.0.498 / Virus Database: 297 - Release Date: 7/8/2003
    FN:Lisa Seaburg (E-mail)
    ORG:Aeon LLC
    TEL;WORK;VOICE:(662) 562-7676