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RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Re: [ubl-lcsc] CCT, RT, DT Files with fixed Major:Minor numbering

  • 1.  RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Re: [ubl-lcsc] CCT, RT, DT Files with fixed Major:Minor numbering

    Posted 10-10-2003 11:39
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Re: [ubl-lcsc] CCT, RT, DT Files with fixed Major:Minor numbering

    Title: Message
    Hello Tim,
    first of all, thank you, for all your revision. I changed the schemas according your comments and additionally you'll find the answers of some of your questions:

    * in Representationterm.xsd: the word "Representation" is mis-spelt in these two statements (you have "Repesentation")
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:DataTypes:1:0-alpha" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:rt="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:RepesentationTerms:1:0-alpha" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:DataTypes:1:0-alpha" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
        <xsd:import namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:ubl:RepesentationTerms:1:0-alpha" schemaLocation="RepresentationTerms_1p0-alpha.xsd"/> 
    * in Representationterm.xsd: it still references the OAGI WG not UBL, as in...
        <!--OAGI Core Component WG Datatypes based on ebXML Core Component Specification V1.90--> 
    * in Representationterm.xsd: what is CodeContent  used for?
    <GS>The CodeContent will be used for the restrcition of the code content, because you can't do a restriciton of both (Attributes and Values) in the complexType "CodeType", therefore based the element value on the complexType "CodeContent".</GS>

    * in Representationterm.xsd: there is no definition for the secondary representation term 'Picture' (the primary is Binary Object).
    * in Representationterm.xsd: why aren't Date and Time restrictions of DateTime?  without this, there is nothing to tell us they are secondary RTs to DateTime.
    <GS>Because, we're using the built in types xsd:date and xsd:time, directly</GS>
    * in Representationterm.xsd: Indicator is explicitly given only the possible values 'true' or 'false' - is that what we want to do?  even the CCTS uses 'on/off' as its example.
    <GS>The built in type "xsd:indicator" allows only the values: true, false, 0, 1. And we in NDRSC agreed that we're only using the primary values "true" and "false"</GS>

    * in Representationterm.xsd: if 'Rate' is defined as a 'Numeric'  and "Rate is a value expresses the ratio per specified unit and a rate basis unit."  what numeric value is used, the ratio per unit or the basis unit? 
    <GS>Please ignore DataTypes.xsd for version 1.0. We agreed that we're currently using  representationTerms.xsd, only.</GS>

    * in DataTypes.xsd: what are 'QualifiedIdentifier' and 'QualifiedCode'? 
    <GS>see above</GS>

    * in DataTypes.xsd: you define an DT such as DayType, MonthType, etc...  I understood from the CCTS that these should be named using the ISO11179 concepts of Representation Term plus Qualifier.  So shouldn't they be called DayDateTimeType and MonthDateTimeType ?
    <GS>see above</GS>
    * in DataTypes.xsd: how can you define DataTypes that have no Representation Term (e.g. Duration and Temperature) as it is Representation Term that links the BIEs to Data Types, when would these ever get used? 
    <GS>see above</GS>
    Finally, the more i look at these three I cannot understand why we need a Data Types.xsd - as we only reference Representation terms how will it ever be used?  
    <GS>see above</GS>
     Kind regards,


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