UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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[ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 13 March 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 13 March 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 03-12-2002 10:41
    We WILL MEET tomorrow.  It would be helpful if you could privately 
    RSVP, so I know whom to expect.
    NDR SC portal: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    We will meet by phone on Wednesday, 13 March 2002, at:
       8-10am PT   (GMT -8)
       11am-1pm ET (GMT -5)
       5-7pm Eur   (GMT +1)
    Please use the following dial-in information, which will remain the 
    same through at least March 27:
       Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 232 0361
       International access/caller-paid  +1 805 240 9673
       Participant code                  165-412
    1. Roll call
        See member list at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings
        27 February 2002 telecon:
        6 March 2002 telecon:
    3. Adoption of agenda (please send suggestions *before* meeting)
    4. Current list of remaining work
        - Tag structure (Arofan and Mark)
        - Elements vs. attributes and empty elements (Gunther)
        - How many elements per type and vice versa (Bill)
        - Abstract types (Matt)
        - modnamver, particularly namespaces and versioning (Bill)
    5. Action item review
        ACTION: Arofan and Mark to finish the tag structure paper,
        including a proposal for top-level tag naming.
        ACTION: Bill and Mavis to champion the URI/URN issue and determine
        an approach.
        ACTION: Arofan, Tim, Gunther, and Lisa to develop example and code
        with LC SC.  This example should grow to illustrate the modnamver
        ACTION: Eve and Dale (and everyone!) to comment on the schema
        code produced by Gunther et al. by COB 28 February.
        ACTION: Matt to do a writeup on the "document design time" (fixed
        vs. varying) assignment of roles.
        ACTION: Ron to make a specific proposal on retaining "native
        context" of data elements when they are assembled into something
        new for the purpose of A2A or B2B integration.  To be done in time
        for Barcelona attendees to read and digest it.
        New ACTION: Eve to check with Bill on "selling" the role model
        ACTION: All paper owners to make edits March 7-11.
    6. Tag structure
        If we don't have a fresh draft to work from, let's spend the time
        on this call essentially constructing it.  If we do have a draft,
        let's review it.
    7. Adjourn
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com