UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Schema Review: Property Term Possessive(s)

  • 1.  Schema Review: Property Term Possessive(s)

    Posted 02-12-2004 20:41
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Schema Review: Property Term Possessive(s)

    The NDR currently does not consider the "Property Term Possessive(s)" column in the spreadsheet when naming types and or elements.
        Should the term in this column be ignored?
        Should we simply consider it another 'qualifier' and use it for that reason?
        Should we explicitly state its use where appropriate?
    In the spreadsheets, it seems to be consistently used in the 'BIE Dictionary Entry Name' column, but *not* always in the 'UBL Name' column.
    Mike Grimley 

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