UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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[ubl-ndrsc] UML diagrams from latest schemas

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] UML diagrams from latest schemas

    Posted 12-30-2002 19:38
    Title: Orders 02 Hi all,   I produced a set of UML class diagrams from the latest schemas posted by Gunther.  I attempted to split them into logical subsets for review, and also to keep the diagrams to a workable size.  They should print with readable resolution in landscape format.   (I cannot send to the LSCS mail list, so someone forward if this is of interest there.)   The file format is SVG.  I tried saving these to PDF, but the file size is about 15x larger (over 500K each).  As before, you can use the Adobe SVG reader within IE.  The problem with the Adobe reader is that its printing sucks.  I understand that Mozilla now inludes SVG rendering but I have not tried it.   I suggest that you download and use the Batik SVG viewer ( http://xml.apache.org/batik ).  Its printing quality is excellent.  The direct download link is http://xml.apache.org/batik/dist/batik-1.5beta4b.zip   If you have a Java VM installed, just double-click on the batik.jar.  If you don't have a JVM, you'll need to install it also.   Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the diagrams, all feedback is welcome!   Happy New Year!   Dave Carlson     Attachment: SellerPartyDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: BuyerPartyDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: FreightForwarderPartyDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: OrderDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: ItemDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: AllowanceChargeDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: DeliveryRequirementsDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: HazardousItemDetails.svg Description: image/svg Attachment: OrderedShipmentDetails.svg Description: image/svg