UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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[ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 13 March 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 13 March 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 03-13-2002 12:53
    Thanks, everybody, for an interesting and productive meeting!  I look 
    forward to meeting with (most of) you next week, and to reading the 
    latest revisions of the position papers.
    1. Roll call
        Bill Burcham        YES
        Mavis Cournane
        Mark Crawford
        Fabrice Desr�
        John Dumay
        Matt Gertner
        Arofan Gregory      YES
        Phil Griffin
        Eduardo Gutentag    YES
        Eve Maler           YES
        Dale McKay
        Joe Moeller
        Sue Probert
        Ron Schuldt         YES
        Lisa Seaburg
        Gunther Stuhec      YES
        Paul Thorpe         YES
        Quorum not reached; proceeded informally.
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings
        27 February 2002 telecon:
        6 March 2002 telecon:
    3. Adoption of agenda
    4. Current list of remaining work
         Report from last week's meeting:
         Didn't have quorum or "official" chairs.  Focused on elements vs.
         attributes.  The sense of the informal group was to agree with the
         position in the revised position paper.
        - Tag structure (Arofan and Mark)
        - Elements vs. attributes and empty elements (Gunther)
        - How many elements per type and vice versa (Bill)
        - Abstract types (Matt)
        - modnamver, particularly namespaces and versioning (Bill)
        What papers do we want to show them next week?
        - Elements vs. attributes and empty elements
        - Code lists
        - Modnamver
        - Tag structure
        What things do we want on our agenda at the F2F?
        - Group schema code review
        - With LCSC: review Ron's native context paper
        - With LCSC: role model (how many elements per type and vice versa)
        - With LCSC: talk about documentation needs
        - With LCSC: how do simple types relate to CC types and RTs?
        - Exit criteria for the NDR SC
        New ACTION: Eve to revise the tag structure paper, and to *try* to
        revise the code list paper to use the same example as is used
        in Gunther's paper.
        New ACTION: Paper authors to send a revised version of their papers
        to the ubl-ndrsc list.
        New ACTION: On Sunday, Eve to put all the revised versions onto
        the NDR portal, in separate and also .zip format, and send an
        announcement to the ubl and ubl-comment lists that it's there;
        create a cover document describing them and also describing
        other current work that's not ready for review yet; create a few
        diskettes containing this stuff.
        New ACTION: Eve to prepare a preso on our progress for the F2F.
    5. Action item review
        ACTION: Arofan and Mark to finish the tag structure paper,
        including a proposal for top-level tag naming.  Reassigned to Eve.
        ACTION: Bill and Mavis to champion the URI/URN issue and determine
        an approach.  Incorporated into modnamver.
        ACTION: Arofan, Tim, Gunther, and Lisa to develop example and code
        with LC SC.  This example should grow to illustrate the modnamver
        proposal.  The task of defining a pure example has been reassigned
        to Bill, starting with Gunther's existing work.
        ACTION: Eve and Dale (and everyone!) to comment on the schema
        code produced by Gunther et al. by COB 28 February.  Done by Dale.
        ACTION: Matt to do a writeup on the "document design time" (fixed
        vs. varying) assignment of roles.  Deferred.
        ACTION: Ron to make a specific proposal on retaining "native
        context" of data elements when they are assembled into something
        new for the purpose of A2A or B2B integration.  To be done in time
        for Barcelona attendees to read and digest it.  In progress.
        ACTION: Eve to check with Bill on "selling" the role model
        proposal.  Done.
        ACTION: All paper owners to make edits March 7-11.  Obsoleted.
    6. Tag structure
        We need to broaden our coverage of "UBL Dictionary Entries" into
        a bigger discussion of all the documentation items, where the fully
        qualified element paths are the subset of the documentation that
        actually make up the data dictionary.
        The documentation has to cover at least:
        . XSD types (and whether it maps to a CC type)
        . Global top-level elements, one per document type
        . Local unqualified elements per complex type
        . Fully qualified element paths
        . Global attributes
        . UBL representation terms
        . Possibly UBL CC types
        . Code lists
        Are XSD complex types all object classes?  A few of them might
        be "mere containers" for XML neatness, but in general, complex
        types are indeed object classes.  Certainly all object classes
        have complex types, whether the object class (which is a BIE)
        is an aggregate or basic BIE.
        Are XSD local unqualified elements, defined in a complex type,
        all properties of their respective object classes?  Yes, and
        so are XML attributes defined for the type.  This suggests a
        possible naming rule for attributes (to wit, "Name them the
        same way as leaf elements"), but we haven't really agreed to
        this yet.
        ACTION: Eve to add this as a proposed rule to the next revision
        of the tag structure paper.
        What is the relationship of XSD simple types to the CC universe?
        CC semantic primitives are actually complex types in our world;
        often you need a whole cluster of data to provide the necessary
        information.  The CC work never gets as far down in their modeling
        activity as structural primitives.  (Note that CC types are
        structural and representation terms are semantic -- almost like
    7. Adjourn
        Adjourned y:50.
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com