UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Fw: [ubl-lcsc] ccts Annotation Structure (fwd)

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Fw: [ubl-lcsc] ccts Annotation Structure (fwd)

    Posted 07-01-2003 02:19
    I'm sure there were due considerations given to the idea of
    two schemas (A & A' using your terminology) per UBL-schema.
    I'm just trying to put the rule into perspective now that
    we have some form of draft schemas to talk about.
    Say, A' is the one with documentation.  People would and 
    could strip documentation away from A' to get A, where
               A = A' (modulo documentation elements that
                       do not affect processing in any way)
    So the part about "*and* change the namespace" does not have
    to necessarily take place, unless there is a simultaneous
    contextualization into the user's operating environment.  
    There's no tons-and-tons of documentation now for the draft.
    But that possibility could exist in user environment, especially
    for contextualization purposes, they wish to document differences
    made, etc.  So when that ton-and-tons of documentation do
    surface, perhaps user could "point" from their schemas using
    URLs to a full-fledged page to document that point in their
    Complete documentation cannot be indefinitely stuffed
    into schema as if schema is the best way to store documentation.
    So the "tons-and-tons of documentation" scenario ought not
    to happen (even though it can), and may be even stated as
    an NDR checklist item as a form of best practice.
    Stripping documentation as part of optimization does not warrant
    a change of namespace since the stripping may be carried out in
    various programming styles, such on-the-fly, cached, pre-compiled
    binaries, etc.  The way UBL annotates the element using 
    xsd:annotation, it also falls outside of schema checkers,
    so that there is no need to modify schemas and change namespaces.
    As a result, there is no need to specify the maintenance of
    two identical schemas (A & A') where they differ only in
    Best Regards,
    Chin Chee-Kai
    Tel: +65-6820-2979
    Fax: +65-6743-7875
    Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net
    On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Eduardo Gutentag wrote:
    >>Although I agree with you in principle, the problem is that if
    >>we were to produce enormous schemas with tons and tons of
    >>documentation embedded, carrying some ubl namespace, people who
    >>wanted to use them with any kind of hope of acceptable
    >>performance would have to strip the documentation away *and*
    >>change the namespace.
    >>It was because of this concern (that is, allowing people to say
    >>they use UBL schemas) that we came up with the idea of two
    >>sets of schemas carrying the same namespaces names (that is,
    >>schemas A and A' being both in namespace UBL:A if the only
    >>difference is documentation.) Perhaps we should play with the
    >>idea of having A in namespace UBL:A and A' in namespace UBL:A' ?
    >>(where UBL:A is just a shorthand reference to the UBL namespaces,
    >>not to be taken as implying that it is an UBL namespace name...)
    >>Chin Chee-Kai wrote:
    >>> Again, this two schemas per model rule is also something
    >>> I feel is rather stringent to be stated as a rule, or that
    >>> it is redundant.
    >>> Developers and users will find their own most suitable form
    >>> of optimizing for processing.  It shouldn't be a specified
    >>> form of rule for such purposes.
    >>> Best Regards,
    >>> Chin Chee-Kai
    >>> SoftML
    >>> Tel: +65-6820-2979
    >>> Fax: +65-6743-7875
    >>> Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net
    >>> http://SoftML.Net/