UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Re: Use of Country Code and Currency Code in UBL-based applications

  • 1.  Re: Use of Country Code and Currency Code in UBL-based applications

    Posted 07-25-2003 04:58
    Hello Tony,
    I'm on a long flight from California to Toronto as I write this,
    so I don't know whether someone else will have responded to your
    questions before I connect again to send mail.  Please forgive me
    if this duplicates some other reply sent in the meantime.
    With regard to your question about codes, I am copying this
    message with your orginal below to the UBL Naming and Design Rules
    Subcommittee and the UBL Library Content Subcommittee.  The NDRSC
    has published a paper proposing an approach to code lists in
    general and will be discussing code lists at the UBL TC meeting
    next week in Montreal.  I don't know whether the code list experts
    in that group will be able to respond to your question until after
    the meeting.  I suggest that you start monitoring the ubl-ndrsc
    archive at OASIS for past and future discussions on this topic.
    |    Some other questions:
    |    2) Also, what are are the major differences between 0.8 schemas
    |    and 0.7 schemas?
    UBL version 0.7 was a complete package (data models, schemas, UML
    diagrams, example instances, stylesheets, etc.) released in
    January for a three-month public review.  We received a great deal
    of valuable input from that review, much of which was incorporated
    into the UBL data models during and after the April/May UBL TC
    meeting in London.
    UBL version 0.8, by contrast, is a very limited release consisting
    mainly of the revised data models and intended specifically for a
    special review, ending this week, by three teams of business
    experts.  The first team, consisting of members of the Open
    Applications Group (OAGI), was tasked with a comparison of UBL and
    OAGIS; the second team was tasked with a comparison of the UBL
    data models and the data models of the RosettaNet Next Generation
    PIP syntax; and the third team, appointed by the OASIS eGov TC,
    was responsible for reviewing the UBL data models against
    government e-procurement requirements.  Results from the 0.8
    review will constitute the primary input to the work of the UBL
    Library Content SC at next week's UBL TC meeting in Montreal.
    While a fair amount of work has been going on behind the scenes
    during this time to test our ability to create schemas and
    stylesheets from the 0.8 data models, the result of that work is
    not intended for implementation and has not been made widely
    available outside of the UBL Tc.  You can expect a proper UBL
    package like the 0.7 package after the TC has revised the 0.8 data
    models in light of input received during the June/July review
    period and has had a chance to produce corresponding schemas,
    example instances, and stylesheets.  Based on our experience with
    0.7, I would expect that work to take six to eight weeks following
    the meeting in Montreal.
    |    3) What is the ETA of UBL v. 1.0 being a committee spec or an
    |    OASIS spec?
    Based on the above, we should have another big release out some
    time in October.  This will be the first UBL release recommended
    for general implementation.  Whether it is also the one that
    becomes a committee spec is up to the TC.
    |    4) Is UBL most appropriate for B2B applications or B2C
    |    applications? E.g., if it is designed for B2B mostly then I
    |    strongly recommend that as part of 1.0 release UBL be enhanced
    |    for B2C as well.
    UBL is designed specifically for B2B.  Whether and how it should
    be extended for B2C is an important question, but it's one that
    belongs to a different phase of the effort.
    Interestingly, a parallel question has arisen in the eGov TC
    regarding the extension of ebXML messaging to comprehend
    government-to-citizen interactions.  Initial analysis seems to
    indicate that G2C requirements can in fact be met by a reasonably
    scoped set of extensions to ebMS.  My intuition is that UBL can
    similarly be extended for B2C, but this is nothing more than a
    hunch at this point.
    |    5) How many companies are planning to use this in their
    |    commercial products
    I have no data on that.  Companies that are serious about
    implementing a specification-in-progress like UBL typically try to
    keep their development plans secret at this stage, so we probably
    won't find out until the implementation release is made.
    Best regards,
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC
       Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 00:24:45 -0700 (PDT)
       From: Tony Opatha <topatha@yahoo.com>
       Cc: jon.bosak@sun.com, mcrawford@lmi.org
       I'm using the UN ECE defined schema definitions of Currency
       Code and Country Code with UBL 0.7 Re-useable Aggregate
       Reviewing the Re-useable aggregates Country element is defined
       <xsd:element name="Country" type="CountryType"/>
       and Currency element is defined as:
       <xsd:element name="Currency" type="CurrencyCode"/>
       In a UBL enabled application if we were to use the enumerated
       code values defined in the CountryCode and/or Currency Code
       defined at UN ECE site:
       How do we initialize that enumerated value of country codes and
       currency code defined in above XSDs into instances of the
       re-useable UBL schemas for elements cat:Currency and
       Can someone give me an example of valid values of against the
       UNECE schema such that they are also valid values against the
       0.7 re-useable schema?
       Some other questions:
       2) Also, what are are the major differences between 0.8 schemas
       and 0.7 schemas?
       3) What is the ETA of UBL v. 1.0 being a committee spec or an
       OASIS spec?
       4) Is UBL most appropriate for B2B applications or B2C
       applications? E.g., if it is designed for B2B mostly then I
       strongly recommend that as part of 1.0 release UBL be enhanced
       for B2C as well.
       5) How many companies are planning to use this in their
       commercial products
       Thank you very much and best of luck.