** Reply to message from "Burcham, Bill" <Bill_Burcham@stercomm.com> on Wed, 2
Jul 2003 16:02:30 -0500
> I agree with Chee-Kai on this one, it is wrong to have A and A' schemas. I
> cannot represent Eduardo's viewpoint effectively, so I won't try.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by A and A' Schemas, but I assume you are
referring to the earlier discussion on whether it was appropriate to have two
versions of the same Schema - one with annotations and one without - and apply
the same namespace URI to both. My personal answer would be 'yes' - as long as
both Schemas validate the same documents in the same way, I think it is
perfectly reasonable to provide full fat and low fat versions. Although people
could process the full fat version themselves to remove the annotations, my
experience is that the majority would feel happier using an "approved" low fat
Anthony B. Coates
London Market Systems Limited
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