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[ubl-ndrsc] RT vs. CCT comparison

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] RT vs. CCT comparison

    Posted 04-23-2002 15:56
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] RT vs. CCT comparison

    Just to have all the information in one place and see what's same vs. 
    different, I collated all the definitions of the RTs and CCTs in CCTS 
    V1.8.  What do those who are experienced in the ways of CCTS think?
    Analysis and conclusions:
    - Amount and Amount.Type
    - Graphic and Graphic.Type
    - Indicator and Indicator.Type
    - Picture and Picture.Type
    Unaccountably different in wording but meaning the same thing:
    - Measure and Measure.Type
    Essentially identical except for mention of supplementary components:
    - Code and Code.Type
    - DateTime and DateTime.Type
    - Identifier and Identifier.Type (but Identifier carries a warning
       about when to use Name instead)
    - Quantity and Quantity.Type
    - Date vs. DateTime.Type
    - Name vs. Text.Type
    - Percent vs. Numeric.Type
    - Rate vs. Numeric.Type
    It seems to me that the "representation term" distinction is a thin one 
    at best.  We have anecdotal evidence that applying certain ones, like 
    Identifier, is tricky because if you don't want to use the structural 
    aspects of Identifier.Type to something that you consider an identifier, 
    you're hosed.  But for the vast majority of these, a unification seems 
    in order.
    (Even for the potentially tough cases like Identifier, I think you'd 
    need evidence that it helps message processing *somehow* in order to 
    justify providing an extra label of counter-intuitive RT assignments 
    (e.g., being able to say that something with NameType is also an 
    "identifier" RT).  The only reason to make a semantic distinction, ever, 
    is that you want to do something with it.  Do we have evidence that it's 
    helpful to give anything this dual nature?)
    If a unification were undertaken, the specialization/generalization 
    cases would need to be considered.  Right now there's no notion of 
    "inheritance"; you'd need to add it to account for essential commonalities.
    Here's a CCT hierarchy that would be reasonable to me to do as XSD 
    types, just done off the top of my head with a quick comparison of 
    supplementary components:
    Actual text of definitions:
    Amount definitions:
    RT: A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of
    currency is explicit or implied.
    CCT: A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit
    of currency is explicit or implied.
    Code definitions:
    RT: A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity
    and / or language independence may be used to represent or replace a
    definitive value or text of an attribute. Codes usually are maintained
    in code lists per attribute type (e.g. colour).
    CCT: A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity
    and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a
    definitive value or text of an attribute together with relevant
    supplementary information.
    Date definitions:
    RT (Date): A day within a particular calendar year (ISO 8601).
    RT (DateTime): A particular point in the progression of time (ISO 8601).
    CCT (DateTime): A particular point in the progression of time together
    with relevant supplementary information.
    Graphic definitions:
    RT: A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
    CCT: A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
    Identifier definitions:
    RT: A character string used to establish the identity of, and
    distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object within an identification
    scheme from all other objects within the same scheme. [Note: Type shall
    not be used when a person or an object is identified by its name. In
    this case the Representation Term ?Name? shall be used.]
    CCT: A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one
    instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects
    within the same scheme together with relevant supplementary information.
    Indicator definitions:
    RT: A list of two, and only two, values that indicate a condition such
    as on/off; true/false etc. (synonym: ?Boolean?).
    CCT: A list of two, and only two, values, which indicate a condition
    such as on/off; true/false etc. (synonym: ?Boolean?).
    Measure definitions:
    RT: A numeric value determined by measuring an object. Measures are
    specified with a unit of measure. The applicable unit of measure is
    taken from UN/ECE Rec. 20.
    CCT: The size, volume, mass, amount or scope derived by performing a
    physical measure together with relevant supplementary information.
    Name definitions:
    RT: A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a
    person, place, thing or concept.
    CCT: (Name RT is of Text.Type, which is defined as A character string
    with or without a specified language.)
    Percent definitions:
    RT: A rate expressed in hundredths between two values that have the same
    unit of measure.
    CCT: (Percent RT is of Numeric.Type, which is defined as A
    representation of a number.)
    Picture definitions:
    RT: A visual representation of a person, object, or scene.
    CCT: A visual representation of a person, object, or scene.
    Quantity definitions:
    RT: A number of non-monetary units. It is associated with the indication
    of objects. Quantities need to be specified with a unit of quantity.
    CCT: A number of non-monetary units together with relevant supplementary
    Rate definitions:
    RT: A quantity or amount measured with respect to another measured
    quantity or amount, or a fixed or appropriate charge, cost or value e.g.
    US Dollars per hour, US Dollars per EURO, kilometre per litre, etc.
    (Taken from V1.6; PDF for V1.8 is broken.)
    CCT: (Rate RT is of Numeric.Type, which is defined as A representation
    of a number.)
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com

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