I think this is a useful example. As I recall, we were trying to home in
on the rationale for using something like Schematron as a secondary
validation device, and this does the trick. We'll have to put this into
our use case template eventually... That's something we can work on at the
At 11:09 AM 1/9/02 -0500, Eve L. Maler wrote:
>>From: "Gregory, Arofan" <arofan.gregory@commerceone.com>
>>To: "Maler, Eve" <eve.maler@commerceone.com>
>>Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Instance constraint checking
>>Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 03:48:21 -0800
>>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>>I forget who I was supposed to send this to, so I'm sending it to you...
>>I hope this is the right example...
>>Instance Constraint Checking
>>XML Schema languages such as XSDL allow a single "axis" of validation to
>>be applied to an instance, requiring certain fields to be required or
>>optional. However, it is often the case that to simplify structure,
>>fields are made optional that are in reality required, depending on the
>>values of other fields.
>>Simple Example:
>>I have a structure carrying tax information, involving a required field
>>"TaxType" that describes the tax as a flat rate or as a percentage. I
>>then have two optional fields, one containing a number that is an amount
>>("TaxAmount") to be used if the tax is a flat rate, and another that
>>contains the percentage ("TaxPercentage"), to be used if the tax is
>>expressed as a percentage.
>>Although either TaxPercentage or TaxAmount is required - and I can even
>>express this in schema - I cannot easily express the fact that they are
>>tied to specific values in the TaxType field.
>>Note that it is possible to come up with a structure that would look like:
>><!element Tax ((PercentTaxType, TaxAmount) | (FlatRateTaxType,
>><!element PercentTaxType EMPTY>
>><!element FlatRateTaxType EMPTY>
>><!element TaxAmount (#PCDATA)>
>><!element TaxPercentage (#PCDATA)>
>>However, when you extend the number of combinations, which is the case in
>>reality, you will end up with a huge and unweildy structure. If I had 250
>>choice in my tax-type list, rather than 2, and each of these could be
>>used with either TaxAmount, TaxPercentage, or both (or possibly some
>>other similar structure), suddenly I have a big problem with
>>combinatorics. Typically - as was done in xCBL - you simply document the
>>dependencies and rely on the applications to get it right, since the
>>simplicity of the structure is more important than the use of the parser
>>for this type of validation.
Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center eve.maler @ sun.com