UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

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Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Fw: [ubl-lcsc] ccts Annotation Structure (fwd)

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Fw: [ubl-lcsc] ccts Annotation Structure (fwd)

    Posted 07-01-2003 02:31
    On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Eduardo Gutentag wrote:
    >>Chin Chee-Kai wrote:
    >>> It seems that the design of namespace values by itself is already
    >>> not immutable over time with or without this discussion.
    >>> The appending of version numbers to namespaces means namespace
    >>> values will change in time, which is not good and does not help
    >>> in migration phase from version changes.
    >>You seem to be implying that a namespace (for example, a namespace
    >>for <Order>) should not change from version to version. 
    There is advantage in doing that, especially for UBL processor
    that handles incoming documents that the UBL processor cannot
    know a-priori what type and version the black-box document
    is so far.  Thus, from a schema-oriented UBL processor's point
    of view, the UBL processor cannot determine which version
    of which schema to apply, except perhaps to try every single
    one on the incoming document, and hoping that one validation
    The UBL processor could, of course, "cheat" by doing out-of-schema
    pre-processing by peeping and reverse-engineering the namespace 
    value just so to determine the type and version.  But this is 
    exactly, in my view, the undesirable situation that this rule
    forces UBL processors to do.
    >>While I
    >>am aware that this is one possible position regarding namespaces,
    >>that is not the view of namespaces that has been adopted. The view
    >>that has been adopted is that when something changes in a schema,
    >>its version changes, and so does its namespace and its namespace name.
    Yes, I'm also sure some debate and thoughts have been put in.
    I just don't know if the design has taken the above situation
    into consideration and how such a namespace value design
    addresses and helps that.
    >>Whether the namespace changes by virtue of changing  the
    >>version-dependent part of the namespace name or by virtue of some
    >>arbitrary change in that name is not as important as the fact that
    >>it does change. In our case we have decided that it does change, and
    >>that change manifests itself as a mirror of the version. 
    Yes, I know it's a bit late to discuss this, and if there is
    agreement on my suggestion, I'm likely to end up having much
    work to do to re-tune some of the tools.  So I'm very happy
    to just smooth-sail along what has been decided.  But I also
    do know now that the rule is not going to help very much in
    some situations, if it doesn't hurt.  Hopefully, the collective
    decision done some time back has the better part of the wisdom.
    >>I am not
    >>sure I agree with you that this does not help in migration phase
    >>from one version to another.
    May I know which part you're not sure?  Could you perhaps
    enlighten me how this namespace design applies to a scenario
    with millions of contextualized UBL instances (therefore, 
    may types of UBL document schemas) floating around, some 
    having versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.3.1, 2.0, etc?
    Best Regards,
    Chin Chee-Kai
    Tel: +65-6820-2979
    Fax: +65-6743-7875
    Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net