Hello, the following attachments includes the first draft version of the purchase order (UBL_Order_0p1.xsd), the reusable types of this purchase order (UBL_ReusableTypes_0p1.xsd) and the necessary core component types (CoreComponentTypes.xsd). The CoreComponetTypes are imported into the Order and ReuableTypes with the namespace prefix cct: . All three schemas are well formed and valid now. I changed all bugs and mistakes from the Excel-Sheet inside the schemas only. Could you review this schemas please and could you give the comments to Tim McGrath or Lisa Seaburg please. Thank you. Mit freundlichem Gruß / With best regards, Gunther Stuhec XML Application Framework SAP AG Neurottstr. 16 69190 Walldorf / Germany Tel: +49 [62 27] 7-6 64 60 Fax: +49 [62 27] 78-2 90 24 eMail:
gunther.stuhec@sap.com Web:
http://intranet.sap.com/xml <<CoreComponentTypes.xsd>> <<UBL_Order_0p1.xsd>> <<UBL_ReusableTypes_0p1.xsd>> CoreComponentTypes.xsd UBL_Order_0p1.xsd UBL_ReusableTypes_0p1.xsd