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RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

  • 1.  RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

    Posted 01-31-2002 11:01
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

    Title: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Bill&Eve's proposal on local/global elements

    Sue Wrote - 
    > Keeping a relationship table between RTs and CCts up to date
    > sounds to me a really important thing for us to do.

    Agreed.  This is needed by the Library committee as they do their CC and BIE work.  We should also submit any identified RT adds and corresponding CCT relationships/adds to CEFACT for incorporation.


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