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[ubl-ndrsc] Revised Core Components Specification

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Revised Core Components Specification

    Posted 02-14-2002 09:31
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Revised Core Components Specification

    Title: Revised Core Components Specification

    Attached is the latest version of the CC specification representing updates incorporated last week in Seattle.  Of particular interest is the addition of BIE naming rules to section 6 and the addition of two new attributes to the Identifier type.  This document is being circulated within eBTWG today for a vote to determine if the document will be released to the general public for a 30 day public comment period in accordance with step 5 of the UN/CEFACT open development process.


    <<Core Components TS Version OnepointEight.pdf>>

    Core Components TS Version OnepointEight.pdf

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