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An OASIS BoD candidate message from Ron Lake

  • 1.  An OASIS BoD candidate message from Ron Lake

    Posted 06-17-2005 21:58
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    Subject: An OASIS BoD candidate message from Ron Lake

    My name is Ron Lake and I am running for a position on the OASIS Board of
    Directors.  I am doing so because I believe that the IT industry really
    needs standards to grow, and to foster change and innovation. Without
    standards, a huge fraction of the IT dollars go into everything but
    increasing the real productivity of software users. This diminishes the
    importance and scale of the IT sector of the economy. 
    Open standards imply a leveling of the playing field and have been a major
    force for innovation. 
    I think the past 20 years has also taught us that standards are the vehicle
    to grow the entire IT platform.  It was not so long ago that there was no
    agreement on inter-network addressing - or how to send data from one place
    to another.  The adoption of standards in these areas has enabled us to move
    up the stack and begin to develop standards for content representation,
    security, and business process integration. Standards are the means of
    incorporating the accumulated knowledge of the whole industry into the IT
    platform of the future. 
    I bring to the position a life spent in the development of advanced software
    systems - real time systems - simulation - process control - embedded
    systems - and for the past 20 years - distributed geographic information
    systems.  I have authored and reviewed many types of specifications. Our
    company has pioneered the use of many OASIS specifications in the geographic
    information domain - such as SAML, XACML, and ebRIM.  We believe that
    standards organizations have to work with one another to build an
    interconnected framework of standards for the evolution of the IT platform
    into the future.
    I bring to the position a range of experiences from IT manager to marketing
    executive to engineering VP to CEO - and the energy and vision to make
    things happen.
    I would be most pleased to receive your support.
    Ron Lake

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