Voting Reps,
The following is a message from Board Candidate Jeff
Dear OASIS Board of Directors Voters,
Just in case you've put off making that tough decision I'd
like to provide
you with a friendly reminder that there are only 13 hours
left to vote (or
change your ballot if you inadvertently forgot to check my
box :-) in the
OASIS Board of Directors special election.
While I'm at it, (you knew there'd be a short pitch ;-) I'd
like to
emphasize a few of the key points you can find in my complete
statement at:
I, and my company, bring to the table a depth of experience
in the
standards world. We believe that the industry is served best
when companies
cooperate on developing standards and compete on
implementations. To make
OASIS an even better place to achieve this objective, if
elected to the
OASIS Board, we would focus on:
o Adding a Royalty-Free IPR option - Oracle favors forums
contributions are royalty free unless the contributors
indicate otherwise
at the time that they make a contribution. We value our
patent portfolio
and understand how some intellectual property is so
fundamental to a
business that it can not be offered to competitors without
charge. However, we believe that TC participants should be
allowed to make
rational business decisions as to whether such technology is
so valuable to
their efforts that it must be incorporated with full
knowledge of future costs.
o TC support - Fine-tuning the organizational support for
the nuts and
bolts of running TC's
o Improving board/member communication and increasing
decision-making opportunities
o Coordinating the increasing amount of web services
Regardless of your choice, I urge you to vote before the
Monday 27 October
11:30 pm eastern deadline so that we elect directors who are
of the entire OASIS electorate.
Jeff Mischkinsky
Jeff Mischkinsky
Consulting Member Technical Staff +1(650)506-1975
Director, Web Services Standards 500 Oracle Parkway M/S 4OP9
Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, CA 94065