Dear OASIS Board of Directors Voters,
Just in case you've managed to put off making that tough decision I'd
like to provide you with a friendly reminder that there is only one
more day left to vote (or change your ballot if you inadvertently
forgot to rank me high on your preferences :-) ).
While I'm at it, (you knew there'd be a short pitch ;-) I'd like to
emphasize the key points you can find in my complete statement at:
The ballot is at:
I would be honored if you re-elected me to serve for another two year
I, and my company, bring to the table a depth of experience in the
standards world and a core belief that the industry is served best
when companies come together to cooperate on the development of
standards on an open and level playing field, and compete on
My major activities in the past two years on the Board (in addition to
the usual monthly board meetings ) were as Vice-Chair, Chair of the
Process Committee, and member of the Finance and IPR Committees.
We have made the transition to a new Executive Director and appear to
have successfully weathered the economic storms of the last 2 years.
OASIS is now in a much stronger position, financially and
programatically, than it was two years ago. The work on improving the
TC Process, Member Section, and IPR Policies, a major focus for me,
have helped make OASIS an even more attractive place for you, the
members, to bring work. It is my hope that the recent addition of the
Non-Assertion IPR Mode and improvements in the TC Process (quality
improvements and Committee Notes) will attract a new class of members.
I have worked hard (both a Board member of both organizations) to make
the impending transfer of WS-I's work and assets to OASIS a mutually
beneficial reality. (Hopefully the agreements will be ratified by both
parties and signed shortly.)
Of course challenges remain. The world economy is by no means out of
the woods yet. We, the Board, in response to our Members needs, must
strive to maintain OASIS's attractiveness. An important part of that
will be completing the modernization of OASIS IT infrastructure which
underpins Member participation. It is arguably the single most
important aspect of maintaining the viability of the organization. We
also need to figure out how OASIS will integrate into and become a
recognized partner in the de jure (JTC 1, ITU-T) standards world. The
new Submissions Policy is a first step in that direction. The Board
has taken some experimental steps to be more transparent in its
workings and encourage more member input. More needs to be done.
OASIS has an incredibly diverse membership, which will only grow more
diverse if we are successful. Should I be re-elected I would very much
like to hear more from members about what I personally, and what we
the Board, can do to be more responsive.
Regardless of your choice I urge you to vote before the Wednesday 23
June 2010 at 23:45 US EDT deadline so that we elect directors who are
representative of the entire OASIS electorate.
Jeff Mischkinsky