OASIS organizational voting

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OASIS Board of Directors Election - Please Get Out and Vote!

  • 1.  OASIS Board of Directors Election - Please Get Out and Vote!

    Posted 06-17-2009 16:19

    Hello again!

    In a previous email I requested your consideration and support - and I'd still like to request it if you haven't voted yet.

    However - and more importantly - given my belief that OASIS should be a members driven organisation (if you haven't already) I'd like to strongly encourage everyone to "get out" and vote for your preferred candidate(s). Active and broad democratic participation by the membership is *very* important to keeping OASIS vibrant.

    Here's the ballot - http://tools.oasis-open.org/election/

    Regards, Dave Ings,
    Emerging Software Standards
    Email: ings@ca.ibm.com
    Yahoo Messenger: dave_ings
    ----- Forwarded by Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM on 2009/06/17 12:04 PM -----


    Dave Ings/Toronto/IBM


    OASIS 2009 Election Voters


    2009/06/05 03:02 PM


    OASIS Board of Directors Election - Requesting Your Support


    I'm running as IBM's rep for the OASIS Board of Directors and I'd like to introduce myself and seek your support.

    I'm running to replace Michael Winters who is stepping down from the Board and moving on to new opportunities within IBM. I'm an experienced member of the IBM standards team who is very active at both OMG and OASIS. I'm chair of the OASIS BPEL4People TC and I'm leading the BPMN 2.0 effort at OMG. You can read more about my background and platform at:


    In particular the BPMN 2.0 project has allowed me to develop a good network at OMG that I think could be be an asset to OASIS.

    If you've got any questions or suggestions please contact me at ings@ca.ibm.com. I also plan to hold an open house via telecon, during which I'd like to hear your views about what the OASIS Board of Directors should focus on in the years ahead. The open house details are below. If there is interest (just let me know) I will schedule a second open house at a time more suitable for OASIS members who work in the Far East time zones.

    I appreciate your consideration ... Dave Ings.

    Open House Telecon Information

    Thursday June 11 at 9 AM PT / 12 noon ET / 6 PM CET one hour

    North American toll-free number: 866-245-5059
    European toll-free number: (00)-800-4444-1010
    International number: 1-416-343-2607
    Conference ID: 2388736

    Regards, Dave Ings,
    Emerging Software Standards
    Email: ings@ca.ibm.com
    Yahoo Messenger: dave_ings