Dear OASIS Voting Representative,
It is time to make your choice and elect three additional directors for
the OASIS Board. I would like to take this opportunity to solicit for your
vote. Let me briefly reiterate why I believe that you should vote for me and
SAP for the OASIS Board:
First of all, those of you who have worked with me directly or know me
through many of the standards activities e.g. in WS-I, OASIS and W3C, where
I’m actively involved, are aware of my established leadership in the
standards industry and my commitment to make things happen. I’m excited
about the potential this organization has and determined to contribute all my
long-term experience in the standards work and application architecture design
to it. I’m further convinced that my industry wide recognition would add
substantial value to the OASIS Board.
My employer SAP, the leader in business application software market,
has clearly demonstrated its supported and commitment towards open, realty-free
standards for business software applications. SAP’s role and weight in
the business application market has already started playing a vital role in
open standards, virtually any kind of business applications; therefore SAP’s
active engagement on the Board would be of incredible benefit for OASIS.
If elected, I will get immediately the following action items on my
Contribute to a quick and practical solution for
OASIS members of the issues around the IPR policy, including questions around
the patent policy as well as the need for an upfront clarification of the
royalty status for specifications favoring RF specifications.
I’m very impressed by the continuous growth
and expansion of TC’s we have seen over the past couple of years. OASIS
managed well to create strong interest in the end-user and business consumer
industry for XML standards and gained momentum in a variety of exciting new
topics. I would strongly support keeping a healthy growth rate and put more
stress on clarifying the selection criteria for starting new technical work
along with facilitating more the international engagement in Europe and Asia.
Leverage SAP’s leading role in the business
application domain to facilitate a faster and broader adoption of OASIS
technical specifications and standards throughout the industry. This is
starting becoming the OASIS key differentiator against other consortia.
Even though OASIS has established a functioning
relationship with all major standards bodies, I’m in strong favor of
staying on top with OASIS liaisons with other international consortia, both on
TC level as well as on organizational level.
Ensure OASIS leading position in the standards
industry and specifically in Web services standards, which are the building
foundation for many other important standardization activities.
Please take a minute t read more details in my acceptance letter, which
can found at
Thank you,
Sinisa Zimek