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  • 1.  Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    Posted 06-30-2010 03:53
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    wsrm-1.1-spec-os-01.pdf   674 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    Posted 06-30-2010 05:21
    I agree.  We have opted to use AQMP running on Apache Qpid and XMPP with AMP which both offer guaranteed delivery handled at the application layer, which is most likely different from Solace's implementation, but provides the capability nonetheless.
    As Hans has stated there are much larger implications for actually doing this correctly other than a single element with an address.  The larger issue for me is that if someone sends me a DE message with the optional replyTo field filled in with an e-mail address, this requires my system to be able to send email, if it has an XMPP address I need an XMPP server, if it has a SIP endpoint I need a SIP client.  With the multitude of possible fields that could be placed in that field I think this issue presents a scenario in which our standard could not function across systems, thereby bringing into question our level of interoperability among systems.

    Don McGarry

    Office: 315-838-2669

    Cell: 703-595-9375


    From: Hans Jespersen [Hans.Jespersen@SolaceSystems.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:52 PM
    To: emergency-if@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency-if] Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    At the F2F meeting today we spoke about how to guarantee the delivery of EDXL-DE messages end to end between two or more senders and receivers, and in a way that is independent of transport protocol. This is more than just hop by hop or single transport guaranteed messaging which is what we implement today in several implementations.

    OASIS has a lot of past history in the design of these kind protocols. OASIS created the WS-Reliability standard and later the WS-ReliableMessaging standard both of which are designed to accomplish exactly this task. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-Reliability and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-ReliableMessaging for more background on these efforts. I have also included the WSRM spec for review so everyone can see that this is a similar use case to the one we are considering for the Reply-To element and ACK  distributionType.

    I believe that at a minimum we would have to implement most of the XML elements that the OASIS WS-ReliableMessaging standard uses to accomplish this similar task. That means adding Sequence numbers, Message ID Numbers, Transport independent Addresses, Retransmission flags, Possible Duplicate Flags, Negative ACK messages, etc.

    It took OASIS over 3 years to create these simpler protocols and they had participation from many of the vendors in the Message Oriented Middleware community (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, BEA, Sun, TIBCO, Sonic, WebMethods, etc.). My recommendation is that we consider this functionality out of scope for EDXL-DE and recommend the use of OASIS WS-ReliableMessaging, or any one of the many other non-SOAP standards and products that implement guaranteed messaging at the transport level (i.e. Java Messaging Service, Distributed database Transactions, …). The use of guaranteed messaging protocols at the transport level will still allow for an audit trail and non-repudiation of receipt of EDXL-DE messages so the use case for this feature is still satisfied in an implementation specific manner.



    Principal Systems Engineer

    Solace Systems Inc.

    Phone: (650) 924-2670



  • 3.  Federated systems and Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    Posted 06-30-2010 13:45


    There are three places where Guaranteed  Delivery is critical.  This is based on the OASIS EDXL-DE structures design capability to transverse multiple distribution systems and networking protocols and still provide delivery service.

    1.       The first issue is when true streaming or semi-streaming sensor detection (e.g. not transaction capable) are being routed to an authoritative information repository with higher bandwidth and data responsibility.  This may need to be identified by recipient’s subscription for data stream.  The issues arises when the data repository has become unavailable.  The need for “error to” notification is a requirement to notify information repository personnel of non-availability and/or users and business processes using the authoritative information repository data .  There is a secondary issue of what to do with data which cannot be delivery.

    2.       The second issues arises from federating disparate distribution system which exchange OASIS EDXL-DE structures with each other.  The issue is similar to issue one where the other distribution system replaces the authoritative information repository.

    3.       The third issue arises from delivery to high consequence automated systems like EAS and CMAS.

     This is an information architecture issue which should be considered for designing and subsequently federating an OASIS EDXL-DE distribution system with larger OASIS EDXL-DE distribution infrastructure.

    David E. Ellis

    (505) 844-6697

    From: McGarry, Donald P. [mailto:dmcgarry@mitre.org]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:20 PM
    To: Hans Jespersen; emergency-if@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency-if] RE: Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    I agree.  We have opted to use AQMP running on Apache Qpid and XMPP with AMP which both offer guaranteed delivery handled at the application layer, which is most likely different from Solace's implementation, but provides the capability nonetheless.


    As Hans has stated there are much larger implications for actually doing this correctly other than a single element with an address.  The larger issue for me is that if someone sends me a DE message with the optional replyTo field filled in with an e-mail address, this requires my system to be able to send email, if it has an XMPP address I need an XMPP server, if it has a SIP endpoint I need a SIP client.  With the multitude of possible fields that could be placed in that field I think this issue presents a scenario in which our standard could not function across systems, thereby bringing into question our level of interoperability among systems.


    Don McGarry

    Office: 315-838-2669

    Cell: 703-595-9375


    From: Hans Jespersen [Hans.Jespersen@SolaceSystems.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:52 PM
    To: emergency-if@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency-if] Guaranteed Delivery of messages

    At the F2F meeting today we spoke about how to guarantee the delivery of EDXL-DE messages end to end between two or more senders and receivers, and in a way that is independent of transport protocol. This is more than just hop by hop or single transport guaranteed messaging which is what we implement today in several implementations.

    OASIS has a lot of past history in the design of these kind protocols. OASIS created the WS-Reliability standard and later the WS-ReliableMessaging standard both of which are designed to accomplish exactly this task. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-Reliability and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-ReliableMessaging for more background on these efforts. I have also included the WSRM spec for review so everyone can see that this is a similar use case to the one we are considering for the Reply-To element and ACK  distributionType.

    I believe that at a minimum we would have to implement most of the XML elements that the OASIS WS-ReliableMessaging standard uses to accomplish this similar task. That means adding Sequence numbers, Message ID Numbers, Transport independent Addresses, Retransmission flags, Possible Duplicate Flags, Negative ACK messages, etc.

    It took OASIS over 3 years to create these simpler protocols and they had participation from many of the vendors in the Message Oriented Middleware community (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, BEA, Sun, TIBCO, Sonic, WebMethods, etc.). My recommendation is that we consider this functionality out of scope for EDXL-DE and recommend the use of OASIS WS-ReliableMessaging, or any one of the many other non-SOAP standards and products that implement guaranteed messaging at the transport level (i.e. Java Messaging Service, Distributed database Transactions, …). The use of guaranteed messaging protocols at the transport level will still allow for an audit trail and non-repudiation of receipt of EDXL-DE messages so the use case for this feature is still satisfied in an implementation specific manner.



    Hans Jespersen

    Principal Systems Engineer

    Solace Systems Inc.

    2051 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043

    Phone: (650) 924-2670

