Submitter's message This document is the latest working draft 5 of the DE 2.0 specification, with all changes accepted and represents the current final version for submittal to the EM TC for approval to become a committee specification draft and proceed to public review, if approved. Thanks. -- Jeff Waters Document Name : EDXL-DE-v2.0-wd05.odt Description This document, with changes accepted, is Working Draft 5 of the Distribution Element 2.0. To view the most recent changes, refer to the previously uploaded The changes from working draft 4 are those recommended by Werner Joerg after his thorough review. The changes, along with those recommended by Martena Gooch in the earlier draft, have resulted in a significantly cleaned up document. The recent changes include improved wording, fixed typos, and multiplicity shown for sub elements in the data dictionary entries. The schemas remain unchanged. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Jeff Waters Group : EM Infrastructure Framework SC Folder : Requirements Date submitted : 2011-10-25 06:38:53