EM Infrastructure Framework SC

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  • 1.  Groups - 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09 Agenda IF SC Meeting.doc) uploaded

    Posted 08-31-2009 18:09
    The document named 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09 Agenda IF SC
    Meeting.doc) has been submitted by Mr. Tom Merkle to the EM Infrastructure
    Framework SC document repository.
    Document Description:
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    may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
    the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    -OASIS Open Administration

  • 2.  Re: [emergency-if] Groups - 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09Agenda IF SC Meeting.doc) uploaded

    Posted 08-31-2009 19:26
    Hi Folks,
    Sorry to make a tough half hour tougher, but I need to introduce the 
    topic of Cloud Computing, Mesh Networks and BSI for Radio over IP since 
    all this is being added aas part of "Core Services" to the NCOIC All 
    Hazards Alert and Warning Network Centric Pattern I'm writing. Here's 
    what Wikipedia has to say about BSI:
    The BSI draft standard[1] is being developed by Public safety 
    practitioners and interested vendors, and sponsored by the Department of 
    Homeland Security's (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate; Office for 
    Interoperability and Compatibility(OIC) and National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology's (NIST) Office of Law Enforcement Standards.
    A Bridging Systems Interface (BSI) is a hardware or software platform 
    that enables radio system or radio gateway interoperability in an Radio 
    over IP system. The BSI is essentially a "black box" between the radio 
    and the rest of the IP network.
    I need to integrate this in an environment where I'm discovering that 
    P-25 Radio Interoperability is a myth. Down in the fire zone they're 
    carrying three different radios for LAPD, LA County Sheriffs and LA 
    County Fire Department.
    Not acceptable. In short words 'this can't stand.'
    Whomever's nose we have to knock outa joint, we gotta do it yesterday. I 
    have family in SoCal even if they are not in LA County anymore. Their 
    counties are not any better. Tom Ferrentino lost a close friend in 
    Buffalo last week.  Enough is way too much!
    Time to Saddle up,
    Tom.Merkle@lmco.com wrote:
    > The document named 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09 Agenda IF SC
    > Meeting.doc) has been submitted by Mr. Tom Merkle to the EM Infrastructure
    > Framework SC document repository.
    > Document Description:
    > View Document Details:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=34003
    > Download Document:  
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/34003/09-01-09%20Agenda%20IF%20SC%20Meeting.doc
    > PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email application
    > may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
    > the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    > -OASIS Open Administration
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 3.  Re: [emergency-if] Groups - 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09 Agenda IF SC Meeting.doc) uploaded

    Posted 08-31-2009 21:41
    If anyone is interested in a definition of cloud computing, NIST has 
    invested considerable consensus effort. Ties into multiple programs, such as 
    SmartGrid etc. 
    Also, Rex, are you familiar with the core services proposal that the COMCARE 
    and the OGC initially developed and that has been extended as part of a 
    grant proposal - coordinated by NCOIC? I sure hope the left and right hands 
    are shaking on this one!

  • 4.  Re: [emergency-if] Groups - 09/01/2009 Agenda IF SC Meeting (09-01-09Agenda IF SC Meeting.doc) uploaded

    Posted 08-31-2009 22:49
    Thanks for the reply, Carl,
    The core services I refer to are the same. Brand Niemann was on the call 
    today and will be coordinating the NCOIC Cloud Computing Pattern as 
    well, so yup, left and right hands are working together, now. I was 
    aprosed of the core services earlier but not with detailed info suitably 
    well documented for me to include in the first draft of the Pattern I'm 
    What I was relatively unaware of was the extent to which the P-25 Radio 
    system nationwide at what appears to be all levels but especially at the 
    local level was/is inadequately coordinated and the whole BSI ROIP 
    standard effort seems like an orphan out there on its own without any 
    siblings or much focused support.
    Sensors play in the same sandbox, as you know, so there's a lot of 
    coordinating to do and it certainly does not look like anyone has really 
    stepped up to take that coordination and communication on in an 
    effective way.  Effective in this case would include ensuring that the 
    parties that are already in the sandbox are communicating. Fortunately, 
    we can change that.
    Carl Reed wrote:
    > If anyone is interested in a definition of cloud computing, NIST has 
    > invested considerable consensus effort. Ties into multiple programs, 
    > such as SmartGrid etc. 
    > http://cobb.typepad.com/cubegeek/2009/06/the-nist-cloud-definition.html
    > Also, Rex, are you familiar with the core services proposal that the 
    > COMCARE and the OGC initially developed and that has been extended as 
    > part of a grant proposal - coordinated by NCOIC? I sure hope the left 
    > and right hands are shaking on this one!
    > Cheers
    > Carl