Submitter's message Here is a pdf version of the Working Draft 05 which was approved yesterday by the Emergency Management TC to advance to committee specification CSD01 and to public review document PR01. Thanks to everyone for achieving this significant milestone. -- Jeff Waters Document Name : EDXL-DE-v2.0-wd05.pdf Description Here is a pdf version of the latest Working Draft 05 of the Distribution Element 2.0. This is the same document located at, except in pdf format. The Working Draft 05 (.odt version) was approved October 25, 2011 by the Emergency Management TC to become EDXL Distribution Element 2.0 Committee Specification Draft CSD01. The TC then moved to approve the Committee Specification Draft CSD01 as Public Review Document PR01 for a 45 day review period. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Jeff Waters Group : EM Infrastructure Framework SC Folder : Requirements Date submitted : 2011-10-26 10:26:22