EM Infrastructure Framework SC

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[Fwd: [emergency-msg] NIMS Standards Goals]

  • 1.  [Fwd: [emergency-msg] NIMS Standards Goals]

    Posted 08-05-2003 00:26
    Art, this is VERY informative AND encouraging! Thanx a ton for
    forwarding for those of us who had not seen this. I went ahead and cc:ed
    Matt W (EM-XML EC Chair) because I think these comments/thoughts pertain
    to his efforts as well.
    One of the first things that jumped out was the incident notification
    piece, which I am sure caught your eye as well. We should make an effort
    (Matt, can you help out here?) to see if they will break this up into 2
    parts - alerts and full incident data. If they were agreeable to this,
    then to see if we could actually get CAP written in as the alerting
    format to be used, and maybe go so far as to "recommend" our group as a
    first place to look for a full incident format. The second might be a
    bit of stretch since I think there is some prior work at IEEE, or maybe
    it was ANSI, in this general area, but what the heck - we can dream
    can't we :)
    The second area was the SITREP reports. The thought of a single format,
    or at least an agreed upon set of elements that all SITREP reports must
    have - that would be nice. Would love to hear your thoughts on this from
    an MSG SC perspective.
    The next thing that popped out crossed both the GIS and IF SC. It is the
    section that talked about geospatial information - specifically the
    sentence that read, "Important to review the robustness of these
    capabilities in order to ensure their availability during incident
    situations, where telecommunications capabilities may be impacted." 
    I think this is something we talked about early on during the formation
    of the GIS SC. "What is special/required of GIS during an emergency and
    what should we do to ensure it is optimal during those times?" I think
    this example falls into this category, while at the same time they
    explicitly mention telecommunications, which implies infrastructure
    concerns. EMIF and EM GIS: thoughts and/or comments?
    Next was Authentication. I know the EMIF SC is looking into this, so
    this certainly seems to be nothing more than validation we are working
    in the right areas. Big pat on our backs! :)
    Finally, the idea of a national database of incident reports. I think
    this is actually part of my first comment, yet I think it becomes part
    of the distinction between full incident data and an alert. Basically,
    it supports the notion. Just my 2 cents anyway.
    -----Forwarded Message-----
    > From: Art Botterell <acb@incident.com>
    > To: emergency-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    > Cc: emergency-if@lists.oasis-open.org
    > Subject: [emergency-msg] NIMS Standards Goals
    > Date: 24 Jul 2003 22:21:46 -0700
    > Just for anyone who hasn't already seen this... attached is an 
    > excerpt from a NIMS draft that's going around... regarding proposed 
    > goals for interoperability standards...
    > - Art
    > ----
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, Emergency Management TC