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Subject: EM TC Notifications, Methods and Messaging 09-16-03 Meeting Minutes
Emergency Management TC
Notifications, Methods and Messaging SC Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 16, 2003
Art Botterell � Chair
Gary Ham - Battelle
David Hall - PPW
Carl Reed � OpenGIS
Walid Ramadan � Blue 292
Ory Warshenbrot � Blue 292
Jason Gilliam � Blue 292
Jerry Weltman - IEM
Rob Torchon � E Team (observer)
Cathy M Subatch E Team
Eliot Christian - DOI
- Issue: CAP Standard Adjustment to support Inline Data (Eliot)
- Review ICS data dictionary (David)
CAP Standard Adjustment
Eliot was approached by Peter Ward (very involved in Public Warning) of NDS. NDS makes equipment to put digital info in broadcasting screens. Very interested in CAP but have some concerns on how to do this. Don�t see in CAP standard, how to put video/audio in alert message. Do CAP but standard doesn�t say how to support binary information. They can�t resolve URI.
Art �this will be added to list of issues to look at after the current testing.
ICS Data Dictionary
David sent revised data dictionary to members for review.
Need to realize that we are looking at ICS form on its own. But may need to share info with others. This is the heart of information (sub elements) � what is in incident, what is name, how is it prepared (all required elements of ICS forms)
- Want to be able to generate organization chart. Question to software vendors: what pieces of info that you will need to recreate the organization chart? Believe we have put in information that is needed by ISVs � software companies should review
- Tap into some Vcard standard that already exists? (Art). May have to extend Vcard standard (David)
- Rob � plain org chart will be fine
- Gary � position and originating organization
- Art � need for roster?
- David � how many optional pieces that we want to put in that the community will want.
- Will need to be able to handle an org chart sketch (filled out template)
- Position or person � can say position is sub-part (Eliot)
- Supports relationship of subordination?
- This is actually very cut and dry � just become part of the org (Rob)
- Position belongs to organization
- Software Group takes back and find out what is needed to support the org chart?
- What do we want to do to look into the V-Card?
- SC: Anyone can find supporting structure for V-Card (want to look at existing one before creating one)
Resources and Others
- Resource block is a container (�0 to n� for resources and 1 to n for assets)
- Apply same principle to organization and summary
- Summaries � Strategies (defined as objective)
- Text block entries so probably won�t have additional sub-elements
- Location � GIS committee working on best way to do this.
- Any new incident record is considered a complete and new replace
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 23rd at 9:30am PDT/12:30 EDT
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