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Subject: EM TC Notifications Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
EM TC Notifications Subcommittee
09/02/03 Meeting Minutes
AttendeesArt Botterell – SC ChairCarl Reed - OpenGISEliot Christian - USGSCathy M Subatch – E TeamGary Ham – DMI-SOry Warshenbrot – Blue292Jason Gillam – Blue292Walid Ramadan – Blue292Rex Brooks - StarbourneJerry Weltman - IEMDavid Hall - PPWTom Merkel – CAPWINAgenda� ICS 201� Other Projects� Meeting ScheduleJerry – can we discuss CAP demo for end of September. Art - Demo is not strictly a TC activity. Need to talk off-line or via emails within that subgroup.ICS 201David: Got Art's rework of model. Will flow changes into data dictionary and take cut at flushing out full document. Next step is to take to schema level (someone more technical will have to do this).Art: Map sketch – is logically more a component of area (resource within area). � David: Hinges on what is minimal amount of information needed to give in message to describe location. In paper – have to draw a map. XML minimal is textual description.� Should we have GIS take a look at it? Carl – go ahead and send to GIS subcommittee and will take a look (with explanatory note).Art: how about roster list?� David: how much useful information do we want to add to existing definition of ICS 201.� Art: looking at it from reuse standpoint but don't want to creep to far away from existing.Other ProjectsArt – At this point nice symmetry – CAP to describe threats and ICS 201 as way to describe a response. Next logical point that arises is requesting resources. Sample in Santa Clarita County – is not necessarily hierarchical model but is more of a flat model. Open Brokerage Model� Gary: DMI-S was implemented this way – is a managed broadcast (way to get news out that you need something).� Art: This model allows people to offer substitutions.� Rex: Large community of procurement brokers.� Art: Is this a problem that we need to take on? o Rex – immediate reaction is noo No enthusiasm for project so let's move ono Eliot – if not in Notifications where would this be taken care of? Let's take to full TC to discuss? Agreed/Meeting ScheduleHave had calls on weekly schedule. Should this continue or should we move to every other week. Agreed that weekly meetings were best, as long as we kept to timeframe.Other Items:Walid – What about test plan for CAP? Understood that this was different than testing that will be done for Trade Show.� Testing should be based on the CAP test plan provided by Rick Carlton and Allen Wyke. � Best way to deal about it is to discuss at the next TC.Next MeetingThe next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 9th at 9:30am PDT/12:30pm EDT.Dial in number: 1.800.453.7412Access code: 604776Cathy M. Subatch
E Team Inc.
818.932.0660 x248
310.770.6885 (mobile)
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